I started a project that i think i might actually pursue. I love love love the layout and shaping. Heres what i got. If i keep enough inspiration to actually finish this project will be huge.
Last edited by Kyle Sloane on September 3rd, 2011, 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Does anybody think i should take out the extra part sticking out on the return trip? Just add in an extra hill and something fancy before the brakes? Becuase its currently 7700 ft long..
I feel it's a bit long for no MCBR, meaning your capacity would be far from realistic, but then again it all depends on the cycle time. How long is the course time wise?
Well they kill it a bit right now, i finished the ENTIRE first hill and its at 17 fps, but im gonna lower the polygons in all the tubes then the fps should be MUCH better.
After fixing the supports on the big hill (not the little hill yet i havent had the time) i have brought up the fps to like a 28. Im assuming it will go up another solid 6 fps once i fix the other supports!