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Interstellar travel

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Post February 6th, 2006, 11:48 pm

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There was a great show on the History channel tonight called "Alien Engineering." It basically backed up everything I said about interstellar travel in that other thread about aliens where I got flamed to death, I hope this one doesn't turn out that way. Though the alien spacecraft that was recovered and hacked into was fictional, the physics of the show are real. They talk about everything from anti-gravity propulsion to Einstein Rosen bridges (a.k.a worm holes). If there is any chance of humans traveling to other star systems, or a chance of other species traveling here, this is how it will happen. I not gonna go into great detail about what was on the show, you'd have to watch it for yourself, but basically they theorized about a way to travel to distant star systems quicker than the speed of light without the relativistic effects of light speed travel, since you would not be traveling at the speed of light when going through a worm hole. They go over how anti gravity works, and how it would enable a craft to perform all of the difficult maneuvers that people have reported to see UFO's perform, like coming to a dead stop and making a 90 degree turn. Now, Im not suggesting that this is proof that extraterrestrials have visited out planet, but now that we know that it is possible to obtain the technology to travel these great distances, doesn't it make it much more likely that extraterrestrials could travel here?

Just FYI since most of you called me many different names for thinking it was possible to perform interstellar travel. Keep your eyes open to see if it's on again sometime this week, part two is on next monday night, it should be really good.

My intentions with this thread is just to provide you with an interesting piece of information and hopefully not turn out like the other thread. This is more about interstellar travel than about aliens, so please don't flame the hell out of me.

You can find some more information about the show there^^^^

Post February 6th, 2006, 11:55 pm

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Post February 7th, 2006, 12:15 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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yea, I actually saw it being advertised last night and I was thinking to myself, "Speak of the devil." [lol]

I watched the show, interesting.

But you've got to remember that there is a fine line between theoretically possible and physically possible. You can do it all in math, but can you get it to work?

Post February 7th, 2006, 6:46 am

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As coolbeans said, it is possible to prove absolutly anything in's been proved by theory and mathmatics that bumblee bees cant actualy fly, however we know different. It's just theory, and theory is full of flaws, twists and assumptions

Post February 10th, 2006, 4:43 pm
Yo User avatar

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Originally posted by coolbeans326

yea, I actually saw it being advertised last night and I was thinking to myself, "Speak of the devil." [lol]

I watched the show, interesting.

But you've got to remember that there is a fine line between theoretically possible and physically possible. You can do it all in math, but can you get it to work?

Actually, everything in that show is physically possible, there are equations to prove it. So it's not a question of if it can be done, it's a question of if we can figure out how to do it. And the line between a theory and a law is a very gray area, for example, the theory of evolution is just a theory but most people consider it a fact, since there is an abundance of empirical evidence but no way to set up an experiment (nobody has 100,000 years to do an experiment.) We are theoretically held to the ground by gravity, but people don't question that. These aren't theories anyways, they are the laws of physics.

Post February 10th, 2006, 4:46 pm
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farley and yo are in fact the same person, anyone here vote for a public banning?
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post February 10th, 2006, 4:49 pm
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Post February 10th, 2006, 4:50 pm
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Post February 10th, 2006, 4:53 pm

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Post February 10th, 2006, 4:58 pm
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Post February 10th, 2006, 5:01 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Yo


[lol] do you really think we wouldn't notice?

if it wasn't for wws seeing the IP's, we could have seen a NEW member with exactly the same point of view, arguments, writing style and stuff

Post February 10th, 2006, 5:03 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper

Originally posted by Yo


[lol] do you really think we wouldn't notice?

if it wasn't for wws seeing the IP's, we could have seen a NEW member with exactly the same point of view, arguments, writing style and stuff

But hyyyper shall never be cloned. Everyone looks up to his lack of intelligence, and desires not to copy it.

Post February 10th, 2006, 5:51 pm
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Post February 10th, 2006, 6:12 pm

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I thought Farley already got banned for the little posting binge that occured last Saturday night?

Must have some pictures of Oscar in compromising positions.[:D]

And yes Hyyyyyyper, thankfully you are a true origonal.[devilish]

Post February 10th, 2006, 6:19 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post February 10th, 2006, 6:28 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm


Why are you attacking me? Have I done something to you? If you don't appreciate my sense of humor than ignore it.

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