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Invalid .nlpack downloads lately

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Post February 1st, 2012, 4:36 pm

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
So, lately I've been having a strange issue: every .nlpack I download is "not a valid track package" when I try to unpack it. Nobody else seems to be reporting this issue on the download pages, so I'm wondering if it's widespread or if it's just me?

Some notes: yes, I am running Win7 through VMWare Fusion on OSX (and the NL root folder I use is the one local to the mac side: Z:\..., not C:\...), but all older packages I've downloaded open and run just fine, so don't blame the problem on that, unless you have reasons. Second: every regular .nltrack file works fine, as does the occasional .zip. Third: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the packager, and the problem persists, with exactly the same symptoms. Fourth: again, all previous downloads still open, install and run - the first track I had this problem with was HZGarfield's Angry Birds SLC, and more recently AJClarke's G5 and bosch's Challenger.

Suggestions/anyone else with this problem?

Post February 1st, 2012, 5:46 pm
GavG Premium Member
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I personally have not had this issue and all packs you have mentioned have worked for me. You seemed to have covered all the basic questions/quereies about what the problem could be. I would say it could be a local issue and maybe something new you have installed that has caused a problem. As I said i am unsure but thought I would let you know that these packs are valid and worked for me.

I hope you find the problem or someone else who has had this issue can help. If you do work it out please post and share how you fixed the problem.

Post February 1st, 2012, 10:07 pm

Posts: 104
Points on hand: 943.00 Points
Location: California, USA
does the root folder have zlib.dll? that could be why...

Post February 2nd, 2012, 9:23 am

Posts: 1270
Points on hand: 1,176.00 Points
Location: Boston, MA, USA

I had it happen with Challenger too. What I got was a .nltrack file with nothing in it though, not a corrupted .nlpack file. I downloaded the zip file he linked to and got the .nlpack no problem, but yeah, strange issue...

Post February 2nd, 2012, 11:04 am

Posts: 14
Points on hand: 704.00 Points
Originally posted by guitarplayer673

I had it happen with Challenger too. What I got was a .nltrack file with nothing in it though, not a corrupted .nlpack file. I downloaded the zip file he linked to and got the .nlpack no problem, but yeah, strange issue...

There's a good reason why I linked to an external file: The upload of my 30MB nlpack didn't worked at all (I tried it 5 times).

Post February 2nd, 2012, 6:30 pm

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
Originally posted by 4dfan

does the root folder have zlib.dll? that could be why...

Are you talking about the NL root folder or the system's root folder?

Edit/update: I just downloaded a track I had downloaded previously (wing-over's Omega), and it worked just fine. I put it in the same folder as the rest of the packs I've downloaded and didn't do anything different. This is a weird problem, and given the symptoms I'm surprised it's not more wide-spread.

EDIT/Solution: So I finally got Challenger to work, and I'm going to assume the same fix will solve the issues with other tracks too. It turns out that I was putting the downloaded packs into a special folder I created in my NL root folder on the mac side. But, it seems, the track packager didn't like that (putting it into the Windows NL root folder\tracks helped). So I'm going to try a few other things so I can keep my same system, but trick the packager into thinking the files are all in the right place. We'll see.

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