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Inverted Impulse coaster

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Post October 5th, 2006, 2:21 pm

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 4,102.00 Points
Location: Florida
Need some input on a "Inverted Impulse" coaster (4 tube track)...

I'm making this coaster model but would like to know what is the standard (correct) lift hill design and brake designs for this track, I mean does this type of coaster actually use a lift hill or is propelled/accelerated on the ground? and what about the 'Brake Stations"? does it use the friction wheels or just the "Impulse" system to slow it down? This is my first Impulse coaster so I wanna get it right... th eone I'm working on now is accelerated on the ground for the first inversion so... I hope I'm right about that or I have a lot of rebuilding to do LOL.

OH yeah! for those of you who kow me?, I still havent ridden a real coaster yet! LOL for those who dont know me? go DL my other tacks and figure it out for yourselves! LOL.
Last edited by Weng8055 on October 5th, 2006, 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 5th, 2006, 2:46 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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ey weng, check rcdb for some inverted impuls tracks. There are 2 tracks I know with a lift:
tornado, spain -
tornado, finland -

But there are also coasters with a launch. Check out volcano for example.
For the shuttle types, only lim launches. No lifts.
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Post October 5th, 2006, 3:15 pm

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 4,102.00 Points
Location: Florida
Thanks Ermen!

Im looking at the links now, Im sure I'll come up with something.

Thanks again,

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