Lumberjackers have tried to chop it down...
...That's because it's an:
This coaster is build on some rules hyyyper gave me as some kind of challenge.
The rules:
- Can't be higher then 15 meters
- launch speed of 60mph (97km/u)
- speed can't go lower then 40km/u during the ride untill it's on the final brake.
The stats from the ride:
- 60mph launch (97km/u)
- 920 meters track (3018,37ft)
- 2 train operation (one train currently on the screens.)
- 7 cars per train
- 28 people per train
- duration: 1:15 from start till stop in station
- capicity: 2688 people per hour
- All custom support work
- custom queueline plus some benches at the exit.
- Constructed in 3 full days.
I'd say have fun on this ride and leave your comments behind. [:)]
A few Pictures from the ride:


Onride view

Overbanked turn

Just after one of the airtime hills

First turn

Try to search the layout [;)]

Download it right now by clicking here!