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Is loading a track supposed to take forever?

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Posts: 6
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Im just trying to load a normal track on the game and it take like a half hour to load a in game track. Is it supposed to take a long time to load these tracks or what?

Oscar User avatar
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It should not take that long. Which track is it so that we can test the loading time and give you a comparison.


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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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It's not supposed to take nearly that long even for scenery and script heavy tracks/parks or lengthy wooden coasters.

Posts: 6
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Hmm...i dont know what the problem is then cause they all seem to take forever. Colossus took like 10-15 mins. Wilderness Park takes so long i just give up on it.

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Do have the specs of your computer? And have you tried turning the game down to its minimum specs?
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My specs shouldnt be a problem. I have a gaming pc with a top tier graphics card. I cant figure out the problem.

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Try reinstalling the game. For me when I got a new graphics card, games like The Forest and Garrysmod ran at insanely low FPS until I reinstalled them, then they ran as they should have. Another suggestion I have is to check Nvidia control panel (If you have a Nvidia card) and mess with some settings for NL2 to try to raise FPS.

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Sounds like a RAM usage issue if anything. Are you running multiple things in the background whilst loading tracks?
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Its not an fps issue. Its a loading track issue. I have nothing else running. Everything else runs fast.

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