Originally posted by TConwell
That is all I have to offer on this, Gentlemen.
Funny how that never seems to be the point.
Originally posted by TConwell
60 seconds of silence because kids ought to be learning is well ...... I don't know what it is.
Little things like this, constantly lowering academic standards to pass more kids because it isn't nice to let someone who failed not fail, etc etc are reasons why the USA is lagging horribly behind in academics compared to many other developed countries. Go to a college campus. A good portion of many professors are immigrants with an accents, especially in the math and science departments. The entire chemistry department in my college is composed of immigrants from India and a man from Georgia. This will continue to be the trend and will only get worse if crap like this is allowed to slide. This is also why Americans seem to be getting "dumber" all the time compared to other places.
Last time I checked most high schools have a thing called a passing period. Basically if you're not late to class you're early, since if you arrive to class on time you get stern looks from the teacher who has just started his/her lesson. Pray during that idle time before class, or like I said earlier, after class. This is an unneeded waste of time.
I do agree that this isn't the biggest of deals but I am a strong believer that little things do add up substantially over time. Any fool can read between the lines on this one and see what the intent is.
Also I didn't catch this until now, but the legislation edited the text so that the word "may" is crossed out and "shall" is underlined.