Anyways, CC members Hyyyper, man, nightmare500, and I were part of the 2008 TPR EC trip, and it was just a blast. Without wasting any more time, im just going to get on to the photos.
Park #1, Sesame Place!

Here we arrive at Sesame Place, which is north of Philadelphia.

The park entrance. They had a similar entry system as all of the Busch parks.

Before we even stepped into the park I started snapping some pictures of the parks only coaster, Vapor Trail!

The parks midway upon crossing through the entrance.

These character sculptures were located all through out the park.

Of course the first thing we did was head straight to Vapor Trail!

I bet you've never seen this many "adults" lining up for a kiddie coaster.

Our group nearly quadrupled the wait, which was still pretty short however.

I liked how the queue was right under the lift hill.

It was also home to a Grover sculpture...that was leaving a vapor trail?

The double helix was easily the fastest and best part of the ride.

For a kiddie coaster, I liked it.

The line moved quickly thanks to 2 train operation!

After riding we checked out some of the parks other offerings.

We decided to ride Blast Off, the mini drop tower.

While the line was long, the ride cycle was too, and it was fun.

On the way back to the front of the park we ran into Oscar doing his thing, whatever that may be.

We rode Vapor Trail again, this time with pretty much no wait!

Before leaving we stopped by the welcome center, where some got souveniers and some got drinks for the ride to NY

Adios Sesame Place! Next up is Coney Island, which should go up tonight.