Originally posted by cjd
while completely missing the Biblical instruction about loving your neighbor as yourself, loving your enemy, and giving your second coat away to someone who has none. This Biblical ideal is what I am striving to teach kids.
Bullshit. You pass laws based on faith, and that makes you an asshole. If you're getting a christian education degree or whatever you're a critical part of organization, and you're an asshole through and through.
Originally posted by cjd
It has its roots as a religion of the poor and oppressed, and of people seeking to help them based on Jesus' instruction.
Originally posted by cjd
In fact, Jesus spent a good portion of His ministry speaking AGAINST the people of the day who went around telling people "do this, do that, or God will strike our nation down," while they themselves were being hypocrites and devouring widows' houses.
And then the ten commandments and other things were written like that men can't have long hair and that we can't eat anything that doesn't have scales that comes from the seafloor. And that passage you used to justify slavery, etc.
Originally posted by cjd
My point is, our organized system is corrupt, and not representative of the true religion.
Yes you're above the organized fraction. I hear this all the time. You're better than everyone and a nicer person. I should join you in your ability to be better than everyone and nicer while you vote in public officials that propagate the agenda you supposed aren't a part of. love.
Originally posted by cjd
It wasn't until the Roman Empire adopted it that it suddenly became the heirarchal power that it is today. And it is this corrupt manmade political system, not the religion itself, that was responsible for the inquisition, genocide, and murder of millions of people that you speak of.
No the Bible is used to justify all of those and still is today. Besides the three abrahamic religions are the only ones that invented the idea of a war that is for god. All other religions are baffled by this context, so it's the evil that is inherent within the whole abrahamic religious spectrum that is at fault, not a select few politicians. Nice try. No other major religion has this principle. Besides, you're in a school with a Christian education program. How can anyone actually know you haven't been taught fabricated history?
Originally posted by cjd
As a final note, Christianity is the only religion that evangelizes because Jesus did tell us to "Go, and make disciples of all nations." There is no problem with that.
Except for the whole being an oppressive asshole thing.
Originally posted by cjd
The problem is that we are also not listening to Jesus' other instruction to not cast our pearls before those who will just trample them underfoot and then turn and tear us to pieces.
Yes be responsible for genocide, suffering, etc, (I'm not repeating it) and then turn the tables around and act like the victim. Great job love. I'm so sorry I never thought that people solely responsible for everything were in fact not the victims in the situation. My bad.
Originally posted by cjd
That is where we are going wrong. There are millions of people out there who do want to hear the Gospel, and are willing to listen to what we have to say, and those are the ones that we should be "recruiting." We are actually ignoring Jesus' instructions when we continue to hassle people who have no interest in converting to Christianity.
No I'm fairly certain you just killed off the people who didn't want to hear it (Africa, Native Americans, etc). Big difference.
Originally posted by cjd
And just to clear the air, I have no interest in being an evangelist. My God-given calling is to be involved in discipleship, IE teaching Christians how they should be better.
Yeah keep propagating the lies to make sure your select group is better while demonizing the rest of the outsiders.
Us and them, us and them.