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Join! (and we need helpers too)

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post August 24th, 2004, 1:58 pm

Posts: 357
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Could some moderators, Admin, and VIP volunteer to help our site progress?

Also, register and begin posting

(work still in progress)

EDIT: Thanks Bino Maus!
Last edited by loopier2001 on August 24th, 2004, 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 24th, 2004, 2:49 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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errr slow site. but I joined!!!, now to put it into my favorites so I don't forget the site like almost all the other forum sites I go onto. My screen name is what I have for screen names on all other chat boards, Gnome![pshades]
and some suggestions, start by adding more topic boards, you should have some starting quotes, and maybe some guidlines and punishments so things don't get outa hand. ANd everthing doesn't have to revolve around coasters. You can have topics on school, and junk. And maybe add more to your site other than just a forum, like create a free webs site and link to the forums from there.

Post August 24th, 2004, 2:55 pm

Posts: 357
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Thanks! Bino Maus moderates both forums.

LOL, sorry work in progress.

Post August 24th, 2004, 3:10 pm

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You need to make a new layout/skin for it and a custom header picture

Post August 24th, 2004, 3:21 pm

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Post August 24th, 2004, 3:56 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by loopier2001

that is why i need a helper

maybe I can do sumtin, for a price.... naw j/k. I'll see If I can wip you up sumtin.[approve] Oh yeah, it might take a lil while, quality doesn't happen like that you know.

Post August 24th, 2004, 4:01 pm

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Post August 24th, 2004, 4:07 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by loopier2001

hmmm, nah, got a logo comin' up!

darn. I'll do one anyways cuz I have nothing better to do.

Post August 24th, 2004, 4:39 pm

Posts: 357
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oh cool, thanks, I have one in the making but e-mail the one u have anyways! Maybe Ill make u my graphic designer.

Post August 24th, 2004, 4:40 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Post August 25th, 2004, 10:13 am

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Plz dont spam in my topic [lol] since ur an admin ill let u pass

Anyways I have a contest! ... howtopic=4

That is the link

Post August 25th, 2004, 11:53 am

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well you have quite a member list there. Mostly mods and admins and like 2 members.Kinda like my forum except that I did everything and the mods are I'll join.

Post August 25th, 2004, 1:23 pm

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thanx, well, i need lots o' helpers, my comp struggles with invision. But anyways. THANX!!!!

Post August 26th, 2004, 3:54 am

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Hello, I made a site, but I have no clue as to what I am doing, so I would like everyone who does have a clue on this site to go make my site for me and did I mention that my site covers everything this site does, so we can all talk about it twice.

Now, please say the following outloud as loud as you can:

"I am we Todd Did, I am Sofa King we Todd Did"

Post August 26th, 2004, 9:47 am

Posts: 904
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Location: Norway
why should someone make a site for you. And why do you need another site that covers everything this site does?
Coaster count: 153
Moving to Singapore in july!

Post August 26th, 2004, 11:47 am

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Location: Easton, MA, USA
x - if you could not tell, I was mocking loopier in a very nasy and not-so-nice manner.

I think it is absolutly idiotic to go make yet another really bad forum to cover exactly what this site does and better yet... not even being able to really make it yourself, and having it on a free server and asking the admins and mods of this site to run it. What would be the point.

I apologize if my nastyness did not come across properly the first time.

Post August 26th, 2004, 11:52 am

Posts: 357
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RCFlyer, if you are going to be a nasty little brute why dont you please tell everyone on my site how you think my site is stupid.

But anyways, i have lots of members and there is no way that a nasty person will change that.

Post August 26th, 2004, 1:31 pm

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Post August 26th, 2004, 7:40 pm

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Post August 27th, 2004, 4:05 am

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Location: Easton, MA, USA
I am not a "nasty little brute" I am a severly nasty large brute.

Ok, let me explain my point of view in a nicer manner.

The Coaster Sim community has been alive and strong for a number of years. Really, there are two very large communities that specialize in coaster simulators, both offer track exchanges and forums. Both sites also offer many real coaster related goodies, park reports, and a host of other features. On the flip side to that, you have quite a few coaster sites that deal primarily with real coasters, that may touch on the coaster sim side of things (just as the coaster sim sites touch on real coasters).

It seems a bit pointless, to create a site on the side that mirrors what many sites have already done. On top of that, having a free forum on the invisionfree site does not offer you the space, bandwith or ability to offer any features that can not be found on sites that are already well established. Personally speaking, from what you said in your original post, you also do not lack the web based development skills to do that anyway. It is good that you want to learn, and have the desire, it is just a bit misdirected.

Really, if you want to have your own forum, I think there are really two ways to go. One would be to outdo what the two big sites have already done, and as I have said, I do not think that you have to necessary skills at this time to do that, nor do I think that you have the financial backing to do that either. Ask WWS... running a site that eats up as much bandwidth as this is not exactly cheap. Why do you think that there is a donations button.

The other (pay close attention) option, and one that would enhance the overall community, would be to find a specialized niche, and focus on that. Think of one specific area of the Coaster Sim genre that really interests you and really focus on that. Write some tutorials, if you are good at graphics, start cranking out cartextures and build a site/forum that focuses on making them. If you are a math wiz, focus on that. maybe there is one aspect of NoLimits or Scream Machines that you truly enjoy more than anything. Maybe there is something you can offer the community better than anyone else...

These are just ideas, there are certainly other possibilites but I would never be able to hit the Submit Reply button if I spelled them all out here. But do you see what I am saying. It is one thing to offer a forum that is just a photocopy of others, it is another to be a bit more creative and offer the community someting more.

Post August 27th, 2004, 7:27 am

Posts: 904
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Location: Norway
Originally posted by RCFlyer

x - if you could not tell, I was mocking loopier in a very nasy and not-so-nice manner.

Didn't understand that one[;)] When I read it now I can't understnad how I didn't catch the ironi there
Coaster count: 153
Moving to Singapore in july!

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