I arrived for 2 wicked night rides the night before the shoot.

And I was back at 9 A.M. the next morning!

Just incase you weren't sure what I was there to ride.

Robb strapped on the lip stick cams for some filming!

Everyone was ready to ride!

My fat@$$ having fun!

Everyone was having a blast!

But everyone was exhausted afterwords.

Now it's time for some coaster pr0n.

Yeah, the Bullet like dives in and out of random crap!

Under the station!

That's alot of wood in a small space!

It was a beautiful day.

The first small s-hill, taken at insane speeds with crazy ejector air.

And the second, packing just as much as a punch!

You have no idea how fast the train navigates these hills!

The 90*ish turn was very smooth and a lot of fun!

The break run and the "kink hill" with the most violent ejector air on the planet.

You can only see like 20% of the 3200+ foot long track!

Close up!


It's pretty massive for the small site it sits in!

This turnaround is a blessing in disguise...it follows 15 seconds of the most insane coastering and is followed by 3 ejector hills and a 90* bank.

Last but not least, the gorgeous drop!
Thanks for reading,