I was really looking forward to La Ronde. It seemed cool how it was on an Island, right in the middle of Montreal. But I was really surprised to see how weird the place was. I'll state the weird moments throughout, along with the positives and negatives about the park.
Arrival: 10:20 AM, 40 Minutes before park opening.
We decided to go to Monster first, because we figured because of the slow lift, and one car usage, the line would be long. Well, we started out badly. Because we found out later that Vampire (Same as batman models) And the standing coaster were both only running one train! Agh! But we still enjoyed Monster a lot! The ride was amazing! The turns were incredibly banked high. And I think one was at least 75 degrees. Side 2 is definatly the better of the choices, if you only have time to ride one side! Ride the left!!

Goliath was next. I just couldn't wait any longer!!!! And it was AMAZING! The best hyper I had ever been on. Just an amazing ride all around!!!! The airtime is greater than all other BandM's I had been on. Really just incredible, leaving your restraint two clicks loose or even three is just one amazing trip! It made the trip to La Ronde worth it for sure!

+ Postive: Goliath is AMAZING!
Next we headed over to the front of the park.
- Negative: You can;t walk around the main pond in the middle of the park, theres only one main way to go, making walkways pretty conjested. Its like 7/8th's of a circle around, why couldn't they build some more rides just for a nicer path, and a full circle, instead of a dead end!
On to Vampire, (a Batman clone.)
The line was an hour long. But it didn;t have to be this, was the first that we saw...
- Negative: Staff is not enjoying their job, and they show it at every ride.
Vampire was great, but why were the...
- Negative: The Rides not running at full capacity, at all.
Thats right, all rides using ONE TRAIN, except for Goliath, and the wild mouse.
That line for Vampire could've easily been a 20 minute or less ride if the same amount of people were in line for it at Great Adventure, because of the staff, and use of 2 trains.
Vampire was fast, intense, and the mist at the end made it better than Gadv's, it felt reallly good from the heat.

Alright, then we ran into something weird. Twice as a matter of fact.
Earlier we wondering why the lines were so long for the log flume. Well, we found out why. It's because....
- Negative: There were random logs from the log flume hanging around the park, with boards over them, used as seats. Odd.
Then we decided we would eat. Well, we ran into a GROUND HOG! And wow! Was it annoying! This thing had huge teeth, this was reallly scary. The thing was messed up. And actually. We ended up seeing 9!!!!
Dont let the photo fool you, this thing was a person eater!

You can sorta see the crazy teeth!
- Negative: There WAS a Ground Hog Infestation, that really needed handling.
Anyway, Then we headed back over the Dragon, the indoor roller coaster. It really gets you pumped up in line the music and everything you can overhear from the building. But it was kinda sad. Kinda like skull mountain with MUCH better theming. Dragons, lights, and music. I guess it was alright, but not worth the 40 minute wait!
- Negative: No theming, just rides and buildings. Few rides are themed, but the park itself is not.
We headed back to Goliath for another 5 rides, in about an hour, not bad at all compared to other lines. Maybe because there were two trains! Too bad the employees were still very sad. Then we headed over the Stand-up coaster, and hit up Monster again on the way over, for a 15 minute wait. And we also spent about an hour and a half doing the flat rides, which were fun.

- Negative: Really weird pathways. You'll be in a nice part of the park, and then youll go into the rusty fenced in awkward walkway, next to the extremely leaking water flume, and just really run-down looking area. So, the Negative is: Awkward, useless walkways.
Onto the Stand-up coaster. Ouch! My head!!! Bad. Really a headbanger. But still, an alright ride.

And the last Negative of the park:
- NEGATIVE!: NO Familys! This place was Weird!!! There were AT LEAST 5 people you could spot making out and touching eachother in places, and sticking their hands down eachother's pants. Just really awkward things.
Conclusion: Don't go to La Ronde expecting to escape the craziness of Montreal. It's not a family environment. Don't bring the kids in the middle of Summer Vacation. Maybe it's better during another time of season. But stay away from the middle months! Also, don't expect there to not be lines when it's overcast and sprinkling, I guess Canadians don't care about that.
Umm.. Maybe theres more positives? .... Hmm... .. good rides. I guess thats all. Definatly go, but don't expect the nice park that I was!
+ Positive: Good Ride Selection.
And the SICK new wallpaper that everyone is now going to want......

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