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Post August 31st, 2003, 1:11 pm

Posts: 1983
Points on hand: 3,285.00 Points

Just wanted to know if theres any good tips to make a good track layout because i have real trouble a good track layout lately

Post August 31st, 2003, 1:17 pm

Posts: 1008
Points on hand: 5,120.00 Points
Location: Illinois, USA

could you be more specific, becuase it all depeneds on the track style. You abviously cant have a hyper's layout used on an inverted coaster. Tell me what style you got then can help you out.

Post August 31st, 2003, 1:18 pm

Posts: 1983
Points on hand: 3,285.00 Points

Post August 31st, 2003, 1:30 pm

Posts: 1008
Points on hand: 5,120.00 Points
Location: Illinois, USA

Ok, cool, i was gonna do one of them myself after i finish poseidon. First thing i would do is look at real floorless coasters, like Scream and Medusa. Notice the elements they have and the way they flow from one element into the other. Then, start thinking. You want a fast-paced fun coaster. But you dont want it exactly like Scream or Medusa so you have to do something different. I would think of the drop, do you want it as a drop, and if so, what *(degree) of ncline do you want. If you want like a helix drop, like on WWS's Mechanic, then you gotta think how big, how much banking and how wide. After that, you gotta think, what would be the best element do you want after the drop/turn. If it is a drop, then you might want a loop or a seaserpent or some other inversion that inclines. If it is a helix, i recommend a corkscrew or something that doesnt incline too much. Then, you have to think, i got the first element after the drop done, now what would be cool. Maybe another inversion or a high -g hill. Or maybe a tight-high-banked helix would be cool. You keep doing that until you are done.

Post August 31st, 2003, 6:05 pm

Posts: 17
Points on hand: 2,935.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom
that was a great bit of help it helped me a lot thx for the help, Ive never seen a reply as detailed as that [approve]

Post August 31st, 2003, 11:24 pm

Posts: 183
Points on hand: 3,245.00 Points
Location: Martinez, Georgia, USA

Another thing. Your making a floorless coaster so you also have to think if your going to make it super realistic or just kinda realistic.

If your gonna go uber realistic then you have to consider other things such as elements. You cant use an inclined loop on a realistic floorless coaster as they arent used on them yet. Incline loops are used mainly on Standups. The drop would basically have to be curved some way but could possibly be straight like the drop on Georgia Scorcher. You must have the pre-dip because that is a staple on al B&M loopers and help with the spiral drops to be able to be executed more realistically.

As mentioned the flow ahs to be taken into account. B&M coasters are very fast paced and flow very well, yet, are not repetative. If you have a drop that goes to the right, you loop or turn should go to the left and vice versa. If you need to change you direction good elements are Cobra rolls, overbanks, helixes, and the traditional turn used on interlocking flatspins.

If you want to set limits for yourself, B&M does a vry good job of building coasters with restricted areas or on interesting terrain. Look at coasters such as Air and Nemesis. Both were built for Alton Towers and had to meet very strict height regulations. But most of the credit for those goes to John Wardley.
So look at other rides like Talon, very compast and ver intense. Superman: Krypton Koaster, built onto the side of a cliff. The new Scandanavian floorless, Golden Bear, built on the former plot of a very small coaster and has unique elements such as the helix drop and the inclined immelman.

Those, are just things for layouts. When we talk about supports you have to be very minimalistic about it, but you didnt ask about that.[:p]

Post September 1st, 2003, 2:50 pm

Posts: 4533
Points on hand: 3,318.00 Points
Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

You cant use an inclined loop on a realistic floorless coaster

I beg to differ. In the not to distant future im pretty much certain floorless coasters wil have incline loop, you need to think of originality here also, making a coaster indentical to medusa or scream is really in no way original, keeping the general layout may be a good idea, but change some of the elements used, instead of using a regular loop use a incline loop. But again you dont want to go over the top and add something like a pretzel loop (sea serpent)

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