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Lower Drinking age from 21 to 18?

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Post August 15th, 2007, 1:31 am

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My choice is Lipton Raspberry Ice Tea. Yum. Heathly. Good. And the only worry is a sugar rush!
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Post August 15th, 2007, 1:31 am

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And cavities. And Obesity. And tooth discoloration. And Ulcers.

Oh and a sugar rush ;)

Post August 15th, 2007, 1:37 am

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My drink of choice is a Virgin White Russian.

As for drinking, I agree with Real, I hate getting drunk. It's not very fun. However, getting buzzed, that's something I don't mind. And it doesn't give me a hangover the next day.

And I also agree with Jayman. Those frat boys are stupid and obnoxious.

Post August 15th, 2007, 1:41 am

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I think I'd have to agree with Tcon here: "No."

Dr Pepper all the way.
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Post August 15th, 2007, 5:24 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I'll assume that most of you guys who say being drunk is irresponsible have never been drunk. I was drunk last night... I was at a kickback with a couple of friends from work. The experience itself is so very whatever. It feels good I suppose but it's not like it's all that great. It's one of those things I could do once in awhile but not constantly.

But I also don't see how it was irresponsible of me to be drunk. I did not have anything to do that night. I didn't plan on driving, and I sure as hell would not drive... I'd rather walk thank you very much... and like wise I did not have anything to do in the morning so basically it was just a litte fun and I had plenty of time to recover from my night of fun to perform my job the next day... no hang overs or anything either.[;)]

I'm not irresponsible. I'm just in a different mental state. Yea you're dumber then what you are regularly but I kind of like that sometimes because then I don't worry or think about things as much. It's nice to have a break from the norm and I think the occassional break is ok.

Grant it it's still illegal... but did I do anything wrong? Did I do anything potentially dangerous? No. I was in complete control of myself and my actions.

I for one will take full and complete responsibility for anything I do because regaurdless how shizfaced you are you still have control of your body.. though you do think differently because I suppose the alcohol changes things such as the emotions you experience ect.

I see no problem with people 18 + drinking... or else I wouldn't do it. But the reason why is because I believe at 18 you are old enough to realize that you are responsible for your actions and you will in fact face whatever consequences that result in response to your actions. And if by the time you are 18 you still can't except any responsibility.. well then maybe you still have some growing up to do but I don't see why your personality should reflect upon me.

Post August 15th, 2007, 5:46 am

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I think its stupid, cuz most of the rest of the world has a 18+ law and the world gets on just fine.

Move it down to 18+ and let everyone be happy, and less police work focusing on under-age teenagers drinking and more for busting huge crime intels.

Post August 15th, 2007, 5:58 am

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Getting drunk off your ass is perfectly fine if you know youre crashing and have no plans to drive or do anything stupid like least for me, as long as you're with people who can keep things under control its perfectly fine. Drinking only really becomes a problem when people try to drive...until then all is well.

Post August 15th, 2007, 5:59 am

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Originally posted by hyyyper

what effect would it have? usually teens drink from their 13/14's, you just need someone 21 (or 18 in holland for example) to get you the beer and you're done

18? Even 16 year olds can buy beer legally in this messed up country [;)]

Post August 15th, 2007, 6:13 am

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16 for beer, 18 for anything above the 5% here [8)] It even shouldn't be a problem if you are just 14 and want to buy a beer in the supermarket/pub. I also think it's good that you know what alcohol can do BEFORE you drive a car (age 18).

Post August 15th, 2007, 6:29 am

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Yeah, indeed, in the Netherlands we cam drink beer when we're 16, but then again, we're not allowed to drive till we are 21.

Not that the 16 year rule realy helps, the last school party everyone older than 14 drank and like 25% of the people of 15 years and older were drunk.

Post August 15th, 2007, 7:32 am

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America - The Land Of The Free...oh yeah, but you can't drink 'till you're 21...or get laid untill your 18.

The age limit in the UK is 18 and I'm pretty sure no one really cares. Plus I believe it is only illegal to buy alochol below the age of 18 here. No one cares if a 8 year old is off his tits drunk. Age of consent here is 16 too. I don't see why Americans have it at 18. I don't know many people around here who virins and 18. Hell, I believe the age of consent in Mexico is 12

Post August 15th, 2007, 8:19 am
gouldy User avatar
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Yeah, it is legal to drink alcohol at any age in this country, just illegal to buy it, until you're 18. Aslong as you are consuming the alcohol in a private property, it doesn't matter what age you are. For example, when I was 15 I went to my friends older brothers party, which was at a privately owned golf club, which meant the bar was allowed to serve me alcohol without having to ask for ID etc etc.

For me, regardless of what the legal drinking age is, kids, teenagers or who ever WANTS to get hold of alcohol, they WILL get hold of it, somehow. So for me, your government might as well lower the legal drinking age to the same as everyone else and get it over with!

Sucks for you guys that it's illegal until you're 21 [lol]

One thing about the UK's laws always makes me laugh though, you can legally have sex at 16, but you're not allowed to watch sex until you're [lol]

Post August 15th, 2007, 8:31 am

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Post August 15th, 2007, 10:11 am

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Post August 15th, 2007, 10:16 am

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Why not?.... As many people have already stated, teens who want booze ARE going to get it, whether it's legal or not.

As long as you are in a private area I see nothing wrong with getting drunk. I don't think its the underage drinking that is the issue, its the problem of drinking and driving. Punishment should be MUCH stricter for DUI's. After an extremely hefty fine and a couple nights in jail, I'm sure most people would reconsider driving under the influence.

Post August 15th, 2007, 10:20 am

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Maybe a couple WEEKS in jail. I do not think that a couple days is enough. I mean, if they are DUIed (lol), then they are endangering the lives around them. Maybe they should also wait until they are completely sober and then make the fine and jailtime, to show it to them.

Post August 15th, 2007, 10:20 am
Oscar User avatar
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I'm all for prohibition, it'll make my stock quadruple in value [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post August 15th, 2007, 10:33 am

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Post August 15th, 2007, 10:40 am

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lol and here in holland the whanna rase the drinking age from 16 to 18.

Post August 15th, 2007, 10:44 am

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Post August 15th, 2007, 11:00 am

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Originally posted by EElover2's 16 there? Some people are so lucky...[lol]

Thats what we've been saying for 2 pages now....

Raise the alcohol rule to 18 and the car to 16 :D

Post August 15th, 2007, 11:09 am

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If you can fight and die for our country (USA) at 18, then you should be able to drink alcohol also at 18. If you get caught drunk while driving, you should have your license suspended for the first offense for 1 year. Get caught again for the same thing, license suspended for life! You don't deserve to drive if your drunk while driving. Yes, I have had a beer occasionally. This year I think I drank a total of 2 or 3. I like beer but I don't drink it every day. There's a lot of things you should do in moderation. Use your brain once in a while, oh, in moderation of course. Also a final note. Ride roller coasters in moderation also.

Post August 15th, 2007, 11:11 am

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Location: denhaag, zuid holland, Netherlands
Originally posted by RCT-3-Crazy

Originally posted by EElover2's 16 there? Some people are so lucky...[lol]

Thats what we've been saying for 2 pages now....

Raise the alcohol rule to 18 and the car to 16 :D

to lower the driving age to 16 is not a good idea for holland, i think look at all that 16 year old racing like hell on scooters (me included at that age)

Post August 15th, 2007, 11:14 am

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Hehe we get to drive at 16 [:)]
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Post August 15th, 2007, 12:36 pm

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Originally posted by bigboy_1234567

the problem of drinking and driving. Punishment should be MUCH stricter for DUI's. After an extremely hefty fine and a couple nights in jail, I'm sure most people would reconsider driving under the influence.

Well, it is. Maybe you don't know any body who has had a DUI, but it is hell.

My dad had a DUI 10 years ago, he lost his license for a full year. My mom had to drive him to work (he worked nights btw), so she had to drop me off at school, go to work, pic me up, go home for a few hours, take my dad to work, and than wake up early the next day to go out to his work again to bring him home.

Whenever he goes out to drinks now he makes sure he has a ride home. He is a smart person. He learned his lesson. The problem with people dont learn the lesson and are repeat offenders. THEY are the people who needs to spend months in a county jail.


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