Supports are well underway. I initially tried doing them in the
lattice style like the actual Dark Knight, but there was no way to get them outside the clearance envelope horizontally. So, I scrapped that and I'm doing them in the
"tree" style instead. It's not as accurate but at least won't have constant clearance violations. I also added another block right before the station and one between the station and lift, and changed both stations to load/unload and set Passes on both stations to 1. This way, two cars load and unload together then dispatch together, like Maverick. This lets it run EIGHT cars smoothly and increases the capacity to an astounding (for a wild mouse) 960 PPH. The lift never slows down! I may wind up pulling the bottom of the big drop up a bit if the positive Gs are too strong, I'll look into it more.
Current progress:
Supports near the station are done, I'm working my way to the other end then doing the lift supports, then finally flanges.