So i'm making this new arrow, and to make it a bit more realistic to arrows style i'm using all linear transitions. When i save the element and Load it up in the editor there appears to be tiny little wiggles in every single transition. Originally, i had smoothing set to 6 and the taper set at 8. I really dont want to mess with the banking too much, but just for shits and gigs i cranked up the smoothing to 20 and the taper to 22. It came out smoother, totally screwed up my lift crest though as well as some other banking areas, and the little wiggles are still there. If anyone wants a better example of what i'm talking about PM me and i'll send you the track so you can see for yourself. This is extremely concerning to me because i really want this ride to be good. If anyone else has experienced this issue or knows exactly how to fix it without sacrificing the banking or a major layout change, please let me know!
because the same thing can be achieved in newton... if u dont have an answer to my question then dont bother posting something. Sorry, i dont mean to be a douche.
I would also recommend using Elementary. As for your Newton problem, do you have the "Preserve Sections" box checked? You might try saving each element separately so you can adjust the smoothness individually.
I usually have smoothing at 7 and tapering at 5. I don't think Newton is the right program for this. Just use elementary. It is much easier to use. Newton is meant to make good coasters, not Arrows. (Probably just P.O.ed an Arrow fanboy.)
Yessir, because this coaster was just meant for fun. Not trying to impress anyone. it just passed the time. regardless though how do i fix the problem of the wiggles? this isn't the only coaster its happened on, but certainly the worst its been
use a different transition's the fact that the linear transitions have no lead-ins, so when the program attempts to smooth the track, it creates a wiggle before the segment
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