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~~~Make a layout for a coaster~~~

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Post September 19th, 2004, 10:43 am

Posts: 2892
Points on hand: 9,697.00 Points
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Can anyone make a coasters layout called "wild thing"? im bad at layouts, but im good at smoothin, so if u make a layout, ill make it smooth. Ive got TONS of pics and info: ... cfm?id=108

X2 ??? Intimidator 305 ??? Millennium Force ??? Iron Rattler ??? El Toro ??? Fury 325 ??? Maverick ??? Skyrush ??? Twisted Timbers ??? Voyage

Post September 19th, 2004, 10:52 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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i notice you have lots of sources of pictures, how about trying a recreation for yourself...
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
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Post September 19th, 2004, 2:57 pm

Posts: 394
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Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA

yeah, you might as well try it, and if dosent come out to well than ask someone else to help you out.

Post September 19th, 2004, 3:38 pm

Posts: 2892
Points on hand: 9,697.00 Points
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
i already made the layout, does any one wanna help me make it better?

Reply ASAP
X2 ??? Intimidator 305 ??? Millennium Force ??? Iron Rattler ??? El Toro ??? Fury 325 ??? Maverick ??? Skyrush ??? Twisted Timbers ??? Voyage

Post September 20th, 2004, 8:38 am

Posts: 68
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Location: I live in the, United Kingdom

What do you mean make it better. Add supports or what . I could mabye help but I am very busy.

Post September 27th, 2004, 8:34 am

Posts: 22
Points on hand: 2,699.00 Points
im making itand the template is turning out to be just a bit on the short side. it'll squeeze but not much room for fixing.[xx(]

Post September 27th, 2004, 12:09 pm

Posts: 126
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Location: USA
The basis to a lay out would be having an idea; Try to picture your favorite amusement park ride, and if you haven't gone to an amusement park, look at the ride photos.

Basically try to keep the layout compact and realistic.

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