Arthur Olvera, 21, was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for carrying a .40-caliber handgun into Six Flags on May 8, according to the grand jury indictment. He also did not have a valid Firearm Owner?????????s Identification card, according to the indictment.
Olvera was released from custody May 12 after 10 percent of his $10,000 bail was posted, according to court records.
He did appear in court for his arraignment, where he pleaded not guilty to charges against him, but failed to appear in court for a pretrial hearing July 25, according to court records.
Bond was raised to $75,000 for missing his last court date, according to court records and the Lake County Jail.
Olvera has a disorderly conduct charge from 2008, according to his court file.
He faces one to three years in prison if he is convicted of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.
Olvera is due to appear before Lake County Circuit Court Judge Fred Foreman on Sept. 1.