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Manual Dispatch

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Post May 27th, 2009, 6:50 pm

Posts: 24
Points on hand: 569.00 Points
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Please Help!

I tried manually dispatching trains and I hit "M" like the directions tell me, but I cant get the train to move, so I end up hitting "O" which is Automatic Dispatch instead. I would really like to know ecspecially for doing the transfer tracks, etc.


Post May 27th, 2009, 7:33 pm

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Location: New York, USA
There are no transfer tracks in no limits. You cant make them except for ones that are purely for show. You cant make functioning ones.
^the message is up there^

Post May 28th, 2009, 5:12 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Guys, this is posted in the scream machines section. And since scream machines has a transfer section. I bet he's talking about that.

Sorry dude, I can't help you. I haven't played scream machines in years and I only figured out the transfer track once. Maybe if i've got sometime, time to spare i'll start up with scream machines again. [:)]
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Post May 28th, 2009, 4:08 pm

Posts: 24
Points on hand: 569.00 Points
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Thanks for your help guys. I'll try doing the enter. I was talking about Scream Machines. I have No Limits but It's a little harder to create coasters. LOL :>)

Post May 28th, 2009, 7:18 pm

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Actually, I have found NL to be much easier to build a smoother coaster with. It has a similar way of building tracks, but you can select the segments you want to unlike SM.

Post May 28th, 2009, 11:05 pm

Posts: 5
Points on hand: 1,748.00 Points
I though in scream machines it was "m" for manual, then hold "d" for the restraints or longer to dispatch

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