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Millennium Force progress

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post August 2nd, 2009, 5:34 pm

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Location: Minnesota, USA
I feel sorry for AyTrane if even the smallest things go wrong in this recreation [lol]

Post August 2nd, 2009, 6:00 pm

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Especially with all the so-called "perfectionists" on this site.
Just keep scrolling...

Post August 2nd, 2009, 6:04 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Well, its a ride that seems really easy as its so drawn out and meandering - but actually is quite intricate. I avoided trying to recreate because the scale is just too large and NL didnt quite have similar pacing. After the update that gave us the newer friction model its a lot closer but still not accurate enough.

But hey, I guess since recreations dont need to be perfect to get good ratings I can release all my recreations regardless of their innaccuracies. ;)

Post August 3rd, 2009, 10:10 am
AyTrane Premium Member
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Unless you are working from blueprints, and have a way to survey every point on the ride, any recreation will be inaccurate. I've been striving to make it look good, so we'll just have to wait and see what the finished product is all about.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 10:37 am

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Well, theres ways without blueprints to have an accuracy that without blueprints you wouldnt know the difference. With known heights and lengths as well as some nifty triangulation you can figure stuff out fairly easily.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 11:04 am

Posts: 1674
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Location: IA, USA

Besides that, its best to have all known heights and lengths to perfect accuracy. Stuff we know height off and length of, you should have accurate to the foot.

for instance in your example we know length of ride is 6595 feet. First drop is 300 feet, and we know the heights of first overbank and the two camel backs, and i know atleast that all the overbanks are at 122?????????.

I'll be looking for those when I rate to make sure they add up. We're not counting supports or anything like that (although I know if I were trying this again I'd be anal about that stuff) but we're just expecting the know stuff to be accurate, as well as having a track that is smooth as butter.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 11:08 am

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
counting supports? Well duh you better count supports! Its not that hard, theres so many aerials out there now a days especially with the Bing Live maps Birds Eye views.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 11:25 am

Posts: 3153
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I sincerely doubt all overbanks are 122* (and I'm fairly certain, without checking right now, that the the second has much lower banking). That value seems to me to just be the highest banking on the ride.

I don't remember seeing the height of the second camelback ragan. What is it?

Post August 3rd, 2009, 11:40 am

Posts: 146
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Location: Colorado, USA
Quote from Griffonluv:
"Especially with all the so-called "perfectionists" on this site."

It's better being a perfectionist than to settle for mediocre trackwork.


Post August 3rd, 2009, 11:59 am
AyTrane Premium Member
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There are four overbanks if you count the helix at 95 degrees.

I am getting really sick over everyone saying "You better do this, you better have that." Do you have any idea how annoying that is?

Post August 3rd, 2009, 12:12 pm

Posts: 3153
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Goalie, it's only better being a perfectionist if that's what you want from the program...I consider myself one to some degree, but I also consider that the best way for me...and not necessarily others. If he's using the program for fun and satisfied with his work, then who are you to imply anyone should be a perfectionist?

AyTrane, most are just trying to help. I myself have also offered to help...seems you're not that interested in making the ride as good as possible through considering others' suggestions. If that's the case, might want to mention that before complaining that people are saying what to do too much.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 12:19 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
What helix?

Ah, Id never call that a helix. Nothing really like one. Its just a turnaround. And yea, its overbanked but not to 122 degrees like the other 3.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 12:39 pm

Posts: 1674
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Location: IA, USA

Originally posted by dcs221

I sincerely doubt all overbanks are 122* (and I'm fairly certain, without checking right now, that the the second has much lower banking). That value seems to me to just be the highest banking on the ride.

I don't remember seeing the height of the second camelback ragan. What is it?

IIRC it is 102 ft. When I tried doing this like 3 years ago I emailed CP and they gave me some specs on the non-standard hills (like first three, which are noted on rcdb). Also IIRC first part of chain lift is 12mph and second part is 18mph. Could be way off base on that though.

and aytrane..we're being anal (well, at least me) because I've tried this in the past... and pretty much, i quit because I knew there was no way to get it right without taking a LONG time. Trackwork getting that decent...not so hard, but getting all the heights and lengths on everything right was a bitch. Other coasters that are shorter and have a more straight forward layout (like TTD or blue streak) are easier to recreate than MF because Its so drawn out and hard to get stuff close, near impossible to get it perfect.

I'm just letting you know what I am going to be looking for when I rate, and if it isn't there you aren't getting a 7 or higher. However if it all is there, we could be looking at the closest near-perfect recreation ever, which i'd give you amazing kudos.

And btw, if you don't want criticsm on stuff, don't post this thread here, go to advertise your ride or whatever that's called here. Because that's what people are looking for anymore, and it isn't right.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 1:42 pm

Posts: 472
Points on hand: 1,282.00 Points
Originally posted by ragan
Also IIRC first part of chain lift is 12mph and second part is 18mph.

I thought it got faster on the lift hill! [lol]

Post August 3rd, 2009, 1:54 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
well, he means cable lift first but ragan knows that ;) And yes, it does speed up. Not sure if its 18mph but you could easily figure out the average speed by knowing the distance of the hill and then how long it takes using a POV. Heck, you could plot 2 points without using the curves at bottom or top and still get that then use that speed.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 3:31 pm
AyTrane Premium Member
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I'm not complaining about people trying to help, that's perfectly fine. The problem is that some of the comments involve threatening to doc points because a hill is not exactly 182ft tall (where it might be relative to the ground below it). Giving anyone a seven for such a small offense is just bad form. I could understand if something was grossly out of place, but not for a small technical flaw. But I digress, everyone has their rating system. I'm not in it for a 10 out of 10, I was just having fun making it.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 4:11 pm

Posts: 323
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Location: Culver City, CA, USA
As long as, you take it seriously (the rate) then only shall it really effect/affect(?) you.
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a little bit of yourself to get the job done.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 5:45 pm

Posts: 1674
Points on hand: 4,378.00 Points
Location: IA, USA

the reason im anal about is that this is millennium force. pretty much mecca to islams. on par with such historic coasters as magnum, comet, colossus, sros, goliath (euro), batman. this isn't like a recreation of scream or wild thing. when you're re-doing one of the best, I expect the best.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 6:31 pm

Posts: 3
Points on hand: 62.00 Points

Post August 3rd, 2009, 6:34 pm

Posts: 156
Points on hand: 761.00 Points
So you believe that somehow, they conjure up a 6595 foot pole, shaped to the track layout, and they just put it on there and it's smooth as glass, because it's all one piece? No. Obviously, and you all know this too, it's just a bunch of segments bolted together. Now, where the rails come together at the ends of these segments, naturally there'd be a bit of a gap. With most coasters, they'd weld the rails together to eliminate the gap, making for a much smoother ride. But, for some odd reason, they don't with Millennium Force. I don't know, perhaps that with the kind of wheels and wheel assembly they use, the bumps aren't even felt by the riders. However, that doesn't make any sense, as I can remember riding, and if I paid close enough attention, I could feel/hear the train bumping at probably ten times per second. And it didn't take me long to realize why. GAPS!

Post August 3rd, 2009, 6:47 pm

Posts: 1674
Points on hand: 4,378.00 Points
Location: IA, USA

I really cannot read what you are saying pali.

is this what you are trying to talk about?

if you can feel that at 10X a second, wow... you're a god or something. i should start praying to you.

i mean besides the fact that they use lazers that cut so precise they could cut through a human hair, it isn't a smooth design at all. that's crazy talk to think that.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 6:50 pm

Posts: 937
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Location: Leeuwarden, Netherlands

I don't know wath you are thinking but i'm pretty sure these people know where they are talking about,
Right now you are acting like the people here are stupid or something.

I suggest stop acting like we are a bunch of fools or something because you really sound like a noob right now

About those gaps, You have pictures or something else to proof it?

Post August 3rd, 2009, 8:37 pm

Posts: 323
Points on hand: 1,492.00 Points
Location: Culver City, CA, USA
You heard the train going over gaps, with the immense wind in your face. I go deaf on most rides, you mean a pile of horse poop that you just made up to try and make a point? I'm not saying you didn't "feel/hear" but it's kind hard to believe. But if you did in fact "feel/hear" these "gaps"...then..........I guess....congratulations??....

I got to go lay down after this, I don't really see the connection with any thing with the whole "Gaps" thing....I'm so lost[sillyme]
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a little bit of yourself to get the job done.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 10:28 pm

Posts: 3153
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It's very easy to feel the seams on smooth rides like El Toro (on relatively low force sections like after the first turnaround) and Titan SFoT. That doesn't necessarily mean there is a gap, but the seams are noticeable in spots...just not to the frequency noted, of course. To notice them is plausible though.

Post August 3rd, 2009, 10:37 pm

Posts: 156
Points on hand: 761.00 Points
Perhaps much more feel than hear. And I apologize if I sound condescending, it is not my intent to be. And no, I do not mean where the bolt the track together, on the actual rail on which the wheels run. And no, I do not have picture to prove it, I live in Orlando, and I've been to Cedar Point once.That was about a month and a half a go. I wasn't thinking that I'd need a picture of it, so sorry. I haven't been able to find any on RCDB or anywhere that shows it, which is rather frustrating. But I remember it quite vividly. What I mean by ten bumps a second is more like a vibration than individual bumps as it sounds like I'm describing. When you're going 94 mph, track segments are going by very fast, it is possible. But whatever, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, so I'll just let it go.


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