Originally posted by AyTraneBut it's so much better seeing them in the background.
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ok, well it looks really phenomenal, but there's a slight change I'd like you to make, though I have no idea how you'd go about doing it. And that is that the top of MF's lift isn't totally circular. It starts out pretty much circular, but it gradually shifts into a parabola. Yours looks like it's a circle that gradually shifts into a pullup, sort of skipping the parabola stage. Like I said, I don't know what or how much you want to change with all of those supports there, but that's my only concern as far as trackwork goes, or as far as anything else goes, for that matter!
.....btw, that last screenshot in your first post is the most realistic NL screenshot I've ever seen that wasn't photoshopped to make it look realistic. Well done.