Originally posted by shortkid422Originally posted by Bino Maus
But it function in Train Simulator of Microsoft perfect, so why shouldn't it function in NL?
Because its different coding and different functions, its not gonna work in one game if they didnt set it to.
Yeah, but Bino also said NL
2.0 It would be an semi-entirely different game and since, it would not be a free "update" (if you even would call it that" most people would put in new coding and make it more effecient, so I think they could do it, I can sort of imagine the jaw-dropping greatness of NL 2. It would have the graphics and detail of Halo 2 (which if you haven't seen screenshots of, you should {after you see screenshots of the original] just looking at some of the stuff, OMG I didn't even know they could do that, it looks better than the anything you could get outa 3D Studio Max) and it would have all the rides anybody would even wanna build, and it would give new meaning to
No Limits Just thinking about it makes me wanna help them along so they can get to that.