Well, i'm gonna be all individual an say West Side Story. Being an actor and a musician, it is one of the best technically around. The score is fantastic and the script is clever, if a little stupid in places. Also, it is the one that i am currently involved in (playing Riff, if anybody cares)
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Here's a shot of the whole cast, i'm the guy in the yellow shirt, dead centre at the back of the group, i'll get more photos, cos it was a good laugh and i'm gonna show it off lol
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Heres all the named cast, unfortunately our tony and anita were busy when the photo was taken, otherwise they're all there
More photos as promised.
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Tony's in this one, the guy kneeling next to the one with the green jumper.
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The Sharks, Bernardo and Anita centre.
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On the way to the after-show party, at aston train station lol. best train journey ever.