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My 2005/2006 Coaster Projects (progress update)

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!


Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Well, I'm finally back to building coasters. I'm currently nearing completion on 5 projects, and I have 3 that are working through the development stages. More information will be available on each, and a topic will be started accordingly as soon as I have the teaser pics and stats to hype them up. Here is a summary of each of the coasters I am working on, along with some specs and progress status.



This coaster is an absolute wooden monster! This coaster is built entirely on a giant hillside overlooking a lake, and cascades down at breakneck speeds with wicked laterals and ejector airtime throughout the course. The ride begins with a 290 ft lift up the hill, and a series of hills with plenty of airtime. Then, it gets CRAZY! The train plummets 165 ft off the side of the hill and through a fast and intense hilly and twisted finale at 75 mph. Trackwork has been complete for a long time now, but I have had to make EVERY wide support structure on the ride by hand thanks to the terrain support bug. But I am finally nearing completion, and the coaster will hopefull be uploaded within the next 3 weeks.

To Do: finish supports, add queue line

More info:

Preview Screenshot:


Part one of my Adrenaline Land project, Hydro Thunder is a terrained Intamin giga-coaster. The main focus of this coaster is AIRTIME! The bad part about alot Intamin hyper/gigas is that they seem to waste all of their energy in the overbanked turns, which are much less interesting than ground turns and hills IMO. Not so on this insane giga coaster! The ride begins with a huge 250 ft drop, and then 2 hills that generate a combined 8 seconds of airtime and a second 225 ft drop. After a fast double-up and the ride's only overbanked turn, the train kicks into overdrive! It accelerates over the tops of 9 wonderful ejector air hills of varying degree, 2 tunnels, a double helix, and 4 intense turns generating close to 4 g's. On the return run the train is constantly going downhill, which means that the speed is absolutely non-stop over the tops of all those great hills. Teaser pics and corresponding topic will be posted later this week.

To Do: Supports, Terrain, Station

CYCLONE (Adrenaline Land)

Part 2 of the Adrenaline Land project, Cyclone is what would happen if GCI created their own version of a classic Traver coaster. Cyclone begins with a 120 ft spiral drop, and mimics exactly the beginning of the classic Crystal Beach Cyclone. Then, the coaster takes on the intense finale of a GCI twister, as it throws you over the top of an 80 ft drop, and a fast combination of turns and airtime diving under the structure and to the brakes. It may not sound like much, but the 'feel' of the ride is really what sets it apart. The speed in the finale is break-neck, there is just enough roughness to make you feel uneasy and out of control, and you leave the ride saying "wow!". Trackwork is complete, and teasers should be posted within the next 2 weeks.

To Do: Supports, Station


This is my namesake coaster. It packs every element that I know about building a great wood coaster, and throws them into one. There is nothing left out of this coaster that a wood fan could want... there is a massive 170 ft first drop for the megacoaster fans, a huge spiral 2nd drop for the twister fans, 3 other gigantic straight drops throughout the coaster just because they are awesome to go through, 5 tunnels, very intense lateral g's, floater airtime, ejector airtime, lateral aritime, a double-up, a switch hill, tons of airtime, trick track, and a tunnel-hill combo finale just like the famous air tunnels on "Tremors". It all comes together in one huge package, and this coaster is definitely a rush from start to finish. Trackwork is nearly complete, and support work should be very short. This coaster will have teaser pics very soon, and upload some time around Thanksgiving.

To do: minor trackwork, supports, tunnels

OASIS (modified)

I doubt that many people remember "Oasis", the first roller coaster I ever posted to win a medal. Looking back, I saw so much potential in the coaster. With some fast modifications, I have completely re-vamped this classic B&M hypercoaster. The layout has been changed to include more hills, twistier and tighter turns, heartlining, and a final hill run with tunnel interactions and some awesome airtime to finish it off. There will be no teaser pics or separate topic for this one, as it is not one of my major coaster projects. Look for the upload some time before Christmas.

Progress: 60%
To do: final trackwork, supports, tunnels



Of all the coasters I have ever worked on, this is without a doubt the biggest. I have been working on this coaster for the last 3 years, and I am happy to finally be entering the second half of its development. For those of you that have not been around long enough, The Rockler 2 is the world's first wooden giga coaster. It accomplishes this by dropping off of a 300 ft cliff face, and hits 95 mph. It then has a completely disorienting rampage by the river including airtime, lats, a 225 ft double helix, a huge underground tunnel, and just about every possible wood element thrown into the 3 1/2 minute run.

To do: finish trackwork, supports (stupid wood terrain bug...), tunnel, station, and back story.

Topic Link:



Since the original layout and idea of this coaster have been lost, I have completely re-vamped the idea of this coaster. Rather than being a 400 ft impossible monstrosity, I have decided to take the same ideas and make them into a realistic Intamin terrained mulit-loop rocket coaster. This coaster will use the familiar terrain from round 1 of the match-up contest, and combine some of the most original elements anywhere! The speed will be intense and nonstop, there will be more than 10 inversions, the elements of a hypercoaster, an inverted heartline hill, a heartline twist-and dive, lots of hills, a cobra roll, loop, corkscrews, tunnels, and mayhem in general. I'm just going to go crazy with this one! I started work on the track 2 days ago, and the trackwork is now half finished. I will post teaser pics and a separate topic as soon as I can, probably in a month or so. Look for the finished coaster in early 2006.

Progress: 25%
To do: finish design, finish trackwork, supports, tunnels, station


This is perhaps the single most ambitious coaster project in the history of NoLimits. This coaster will follow the exact plotline of Episode IV: A New Hope. You will dodge Tuskan Raiders on top of cliffs in the deserts of Tatooine, explore Mos Eisley Space Port, blast off at light speed in the Millennium Falcon, battle Darth Vader in the depths of the Death Star, rescue Leia, organize a rebel assault, dogfight with Tie Fighters in your X-Wing, and take one final attack run to destroy the Death Star. All of this will be presented in coaster form, with groundbreaking 3ds that can simulate motion, and action-packed scenes straight from the movie. But with work still only half-done on the Tatooine section of the coaster, the time frame for the release of this coaster is very long. It will probably not be done until 2007 or 2008, but a few teaser screenshots will be posted within the next few months as I finish the modeling on the cliffs and desert scenes in Tatooine.

To do: finish design, trackwork, 3ds for light speed, death star, rebel base, x-wings and tie fighters, mos eisley space port, soundtrack, environment.

More Info:

Ride Layout:


(All names are not final)

SPECTRE (Adrenaline Land)

A terrained wood coaster, about 130 ft tall, very similar to The Raven

THE ROCKLER (Adrenaline Land)

A bigger terrained wood coaster, about 190 ft tall, that will drop off the hillside with a triple-down and an intense finale of hills and turns.


Part 3 of the Adrenaline Land project, this will be an Intamin Strata-Coaster, 420 ft tall, that launches out of the top of a fire-spewing volcano at 120 mph.


Part 4 of the Adrenaline Land project, this coaster will be a CCI take on the classic coasters of John Allen. It will have the familiar beautiful parallel hill structure, but the train will rip over the tops of the hills and the turnaround for more intense airtime and lateral g's.


A terrained B&M twister, also part of the Adrenaline Land project.

I will ineviteably come up with many more coasters in-between all the Adrenaline Land coasters, and I will post info as soon as I come up with the ideas. Well, thanks for reading. If you have any questions or comments, post them up and I will reply ASAP.
Last edited by cjd on November 17th, 2005, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 25th, 2005, 3:22 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

looks great, am looking forward to all of your rides!
though, the links dont work for me

Post October 25th, 2005, 3:31 pm

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Oops, the preview video got removed. Sorry... I guess there's no preview video for The Rockler 2 anymore.

Post October 25th, 2005, 3:45 pm

Posts: 2864
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Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

That Star Wars one will take a dang long time, but consideering all the detail that must go into those 3ds, it's not unexpected. Just make sure that the trackwork is on the same level as those 3ds, or else, you would've just wasted soo much time.

Post October 25th, 2005, 3:46 pm

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Location: USA
some of them sonud cool other ones dont appeal to me to much

Post October 25th, 2005, 4:52 pm

Posts: 3185
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Location: USA
I know the Star Wars track will be awesome when it's done. All of the other ones look great too.

Post October 25th, 2005, 5:03 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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sooo many time to build coaster but no time to rate [lol]

Anyway, your rides are looking good. I have also like tons of idea's planned but probably never will happen...

Post October 25th, 2005, 8:29 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Part one of my Adrenaline Land project, Hydro Thunder is a terrained Intamin giga-coaster. The main focus of this coaster is AIRTIME! The bad part about alot Intamin hyper/gigas is that they seem to waste all of their energy in the overbanked turns, which are much less interesting than ground turns and hills IMO. Not so on this insane giga coaster! The ride begins with a huge 250 ft drop, and then 2 hills that generate a combined 8 seconds of airtime and a second 225 ft drop. After a fast double-up and the ride's only overbanked turn, the train kicks into overdrive! It accelerates over the tops of 9 wonderful ejector air hills of varying degree, 2 tunnels, a double helix, and 4 intense turns generating close to 4 g's. On the return run the train is constantly going downhill, which means that the speed is absolutely non-stop over the tops of all those great hills. Teaser pics and corresponding topic will be posted later this week.

To Do: Supports, Terrain, Station ... p?tid=1043 [lol]

Post October 25th, 2005, 10:11 pm

Posts: 3370
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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Your point is? WeeWeeSlap doesn't have the word "hydro" copyrighted. Plus, the only similarity between these coasters is that they are both Intamins.

Post November 17th, 2005, 6:03 pm

Posts: 3370
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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

There have been several changes in my build schedule recently, and I have added three new projects, as well as scrapping two and finishing one.

Thanks to all the raters for your feedback, and for making this my second highest rated coaster ever.


-The Storm
Designed on the JazzLand template, just for fun. It's actually turning into a great ride, and I'll be sharing it for sure. It features a vertical spiral 200 ft first drop, an immelman with a big pop of air in the middle, a pretzel loop like on Speed Monster, and a cobra roll. Trackwork is now 50% done, and I'll be posting the track either near the end of the contest time or soon thereafter.

One score and twelve months ago (2 1/2 years), I uploaded an end-of-world themed rocket coaster called "Apocalypse". It was my first great success, but in retrospect earned only half-decent reviews and a bronze award. One score and seven months ago, I decided to spruce it up by making it faster and with a moderately better build technique. It was a complete flop, and left me with a strong feeling of incompletion.

Zero score and 3 days ago, I realized that my building and 3ds skills had finally caught up with my original vision. Apocalypse is coming back with avengance! I am completely changing the layout to include more airtime and faster pacing along with the signature 375 ft tophat and wormhole tunneling effects, along with a glass-smooth build technique that has become second nature to me on Intamin coasters. And now, the ride environment will be as I originally envisioned it... a volcanic plain with the earth cracking up around you, inspired by the Mustafar sequence from Star Wars: Episode III. Stay tuned.

This is shaping up to be a great ride already! It's main feature is a 120 mph launch out of the top of a flaming volcano. It is kind of like a personal responce to the mediocrity of KK and TTD. It will have the same kind of fast launch and tophat, but the drop will be a straight vertical drop rather than a spiral. Also, there will be 2 huge airtime hills with 4+ seconds each, an overbanked turn as well as a tunnel back into the firey depths of the volcano while pulling 4.5 g's, and a final huge air moment going into the brakes. The coaster is only about 30 seconds long, but it is a real rush!


This was an ambitious project, and I really wanted it to succeed, but in the end it just wasn't living up to my hopes. It became too average and bleah. I tried to mix the layout up, but I realized it was a lost cause and I am therefore scrapping it.

Even though the feel of a John Allen coaster was definitely there, the track just wasn't exciting enough. This coaster will still be featured in my RCT2 park, but building it in NL would just result in bad ratings and I don't see the point of continuing with it.


Trackwork is complete, and is the finest work in smoothness I have ever accomplished. The adrenaline is also very good, so I believe that this coaster will also be one of my favorites once it is done. I am now working on my famous tower supports, and some final work on the terrain. Teaser pics will be coming up very soon, so stay tuned.


I took a car off of the trains, and the coaster really flies now. There is a bit of pumping, but I still think this coaster is plenty good for uploading. I'm going to be putting in supports and getting ready to upload soon. Teaser pics will be posted in the same topic as the Hydro Thunder teaser pics, so look for them later this week.

I'm having a slight problem with the pacing of this ride... the beginning is great, the end is cool, but the middle is really uninteresting. I need to do some re-tracking and re-planning so that the middle can become more intense without sacrificing the intense hill-tunnel run at the end. Tough stuff. I might just scrap this coaster if it doesn't work.

I am in a rut with this coaster. I built the track more than 2 years ago, and the build technique after the big drop is absolutely horrible. Considering all of the huge docking on tech that I got on Coastersims on Meteora, I now realize that the trackwork on this coaster is just not acceptable right now. (I would get maybe a 5 from the good raters.) I am going back to square one, and rebuilding the ENTIRE 12,000+ feet of track from scratch. This is a HUGE setback, and has thrown almost a year of work down the toilet. The pacing is incredible, though, so I know exactly what I am building now.

No new progress. I'm using "the storm" to brush up on my Intamin invert build technique so that I can make this coaster really good, but until I'm done with it, progress on this coaster will be minimal. On a positive note, I purchased the full version of Object Creator, and now making all of the 3ds effects that I need will be a piece of cake compared to what I had to go through on Meteora. It's looking more and more likely that I'll have the skills necassary to make this coaster work.

Post November 17th, 2005, 6:18 pm

Posts: 3185
Points on hand: 3,780.00 Points
Location: USA
You unlike me really have your coasters planned out. I'll be on the lookout for that Intamin invert you're doing.

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