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my opinion about the updates

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Post January 17th, 2005, 10:36 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Hello everyone here's my opinion about the Nl 1.5 and nl 1.55 update.

The Terraformer inside the editor is great. Easy to create quick a rough terrain. The vertex panel looked first to me like something un-usefull, but not i found at least something where you could use for it, For lifts. Diagonal lifts at every angle. Simple a few calculations and you have done a lift with a few numbers. The new ground and trees looked at first a bit wierd in the editor. But now when i'm used to it i kinda like it. Only you should view a coaster with snow landscape in top view. Impossible to find the track then... The texture is also allready a great option. But for big terraformed landscapes i would recommer to also add the shadows of the terrain in the top view. With a plain terrain it's difficult to see if you close the the wall or that if you hjave enough space. The coaster selection. Way easier then first. Also defenatly good for the starters. They know then what type they also choose. Some people didn't even know what name belongs to what type. Could had bring up some confusion. But now they can see what coaster type they actually also build. not that they will come for a suprise when they look in the simulator. The heartline in the editor is just the best option i have not in the editor. Now i actually fully heartline my tracks and keep some deadly laterals low. The tool is also great for your own custom heartlines. They never will be perfect but i think they come very close to realistic g's in one of my heartline rolls.

Liked the customize-able keys. Now everyone can put them to there own favorite keys to more around the simulator. Don't really notice any differences between all light modes. There all nice. The new vertex engine look better to me, without that engine the fps drops alot. But now i can't really get fps higher then 60. Also on my laptop it doesn't even show the 1.5 vertex option. I'll send a report of that. I don't really agree that the vehicle shadows are improved. The train shadow is allmost invisible. The track you can see very dense as shadow and the train is allmost nothing. I defenatly loved the animated track parts! There are more things that are able to move them you think that there is. It's defenatly alot! I liked the new stations and new clouds. They look more realistic to me. Also the train textures are defenatly awesome. It looks defenatly great!

other options:
I really like the shuttle option. It's easy to ride a track that's actually not done yet. So you don't everytime have to close circuit for the small edit you made. Also it's really fun to build unique shuttles, shamly actually all shuttles are the same so you have to be with something very creative to get a high rate on shuttles. I also really liked the new train styles that came with update 1.5 and 1.55. Now i can make some really fun rides. Also it's very challenging to build a motorbike that goes with some realistic limits. Very fun to do. The new brake trigger system is also nice. I really like new system so you can choose working with the old trigger system or the new system. It can defenatly help to get a train stop in the fully middle of a brake segment. At least you can better aim when it activates. Also finally that the block system is changed. It was first on some spots where it's actually allready save for a long time! So you actually get some wierd track timing them. Now it's fixed, Yay. Looping box supports. Nice, i also like that we now can choose from different splines like on the hyper. It will also take care for more realistic tracks. The terraformer. Don't really like it. It takes hours now to get a nice terraformed area, the old terraformer was way more easier and quick. The only way to get a quick and nice terrain is doing a rough terrain in the editor and smooth it with the real terraformer. I haven't really used the terraformer but i guess there are still some functions i missed.

The premade tracks:
Have you guys gone back on modeling a recreation. The latest kumba was less good then the one that came with the game. Also some others are just quick done with some tools. The one that came with 1.5 were nice but defenatly some of the tracks quality went backweards. How about adding creating a contest for making a ride for the NL team so that there are some user-quality tracks into it again. Would be nice.

Really nice that you guys have expended NoLimits to the mac too, now you can reach some larger amounth of people. But shamly the trackpacker that tia makes doesn't work together with the mac. Actually would it be the most awesome if it was compactable for both machines. pc and mac.

NL has 2 awesome updates now, some new trains, new features. REally defenatly an improvement on the game experience. There are things less in the game but that arn't much things. Thank you NL Team, Tia and everyone else who worked on the update and who created tools for NoLimits Coasters.[:)]

What makes for me NL Complete?
NL is allready really great, getting better every update. But there is always the huge wishlist from things that should be added. Like i have told i think alot of times is that i really would love it to get some spinning types, also a copy and paste function would always be easy, For 3ds, so you don't have to resize them millions or times, or just some simple supports. The last thing that NL would make for me it complete is that it supports also imported animated 3d objects. So you actually can trigger the objects. But that looks more something for NL 2.[:)]

Thank you all for reading my opinions of the latest 2 NL updates, 1.5 and 1.55.

Feel free to comment or give your own opinion. [:)]

[:)]Dirk Ermen[:)]

Post January 17th, 2005, 10:41 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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they need to have it where you can change the colors of the supports, it seems so easy, why haven't they already done it? I think it would also be nice if they gave steel rides new footers.

Post January 17th, 2005, 10:59 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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they need to remodel all cars too, it looks kinda wierd with some ultra detailed cars, and some plain ones...

and while they fixed the non visible bugs in 1.55, they made a very noticable bug, in the editor, you can no longer look around while building supports.

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