YAY first park of the season I am so happy me and my dad went. So we got lost on the way there a bit it was kind of funny. After a few minutes we where back on track. So my first ride of the day was giant dipper. They wanted the front and it was kinda funny. After that we rushed to the haunted house which is so boring so I got some pics of the inside. We then went to the carousel. This one is fun because when you go around you grab metal rings and throw it into a hole in the wall. It was pretty good I never got one in but I hit the metal around the hole. After that we ran and got on hurricane twice. It was awesome but bangs your head more than a vekoma. So we went to double shot and it was the lamest shot & drop tower. We went on it twice cause there was no line. After that we went to go into the fright walk haunted house which was much better than the free one. The only problem is that they overused the strobe light. I liked the 3-D fun house better. After that we played some fascination which is where you roll a ball onto a platform with a bingo board setup (4 vertical x 5 across with the middle hole missing). We played 3-4 games and lost each time. Then we headed over to the other side of the park to get the small ferris wheel where your in a cage and you can pull a thing to lock the axle. The guy forgot to take me off so I got two rides instead of one. The whole time on it I was hanging myself upside down. we rushed down to find the three best rides, besides the coasters, ghost blaster, the break dancer, and space race (cool rubber bumper car) closed. They didn't even have the break dance set up yet. So after we see that we walk up and get on tornado which is a mix between the teacups and chair swing which was really fun. We spun so fast my dad couldn't walk straight. Then I bring to the round up thing where they spin real fast then tilt it at an angle. Then after that I had a corn dog we both had fries and a pepsi. Then we went on giant dipper, hurricane, and double shot. At the end of the day I got one of the ice cream cones with grape flavoring on it. Then that was it.
Go chuff yourself and have a nice day!