Here I go.
You start with a straight segment as such:
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We then cut it in 4ths - remember to press the I key before each time so that each segment is equal.
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Cut all segments one more time so you have 8.
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Now we have too bank the segments. Make sure all have conroll on. I banked them in this order counting the very first segment:
0 = -2 = -25 = -90 = -180 = +90 = +25 = +2 = 0
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Now lets get to the color codes:
The train will be traveling from right to left so we start with the first segment. Make sure all segments have conroll on since the AHG will create a nasty snap in rotation.
Color the first segments' rails red. This ensures that the filter is ran across the entire element from start to finish ensuring a smooth transition from segment to segment. Leaving the Spine WHITE keeps the banking on the first vertex but also means that the AHG will automatically bank it if it needs too. In this case, it wont need too since its perfectly flat.
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Now to the second segment - this is where we want the banking to start and thus - the heartlining. Since we will be going from the WHITE spine color to BLACK later on because we need to specify the banking - we need to bridge the gap. This is where we select PURE RED for the spine. The color red you need is already selected. Its 255, 0, 0. Any other red wont work. What this does is create a smoother transition from AHG banked to User banked.
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So now we will color the next 4 segments spines BLACK. This makes sure that the AHG keeps our banking. Highlight those segments and make the Spine PURE BLACK (0,0,0).
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Now we will select the 7th segment because we need to go back from the BLACK segments to the WHITE. This is where we use the GREEN color. Make the Spine of the 7th segment PURE GREEN which is (0,255,0) This ensures a smooth transition from User to AHG segments.
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Make the last segment the SAME as the first segment.
Save the file. Open it with the AHG.
Make sure, since its a flat segment, that the Exiting speed is higher than the Entrance speed or it will valley. Since ALL the segments I had used a preset filter I dont need to set the filter in the AHG. I do this for all of my tracks.
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Run the AHG and save as a different file to save the original. IT should look similar to this:
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Heres a 3d view:
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