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Need help with NL track packager

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Post December 13th, 2005, 4:20 am

Posts: 77
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Location: Palmdale, CA, USA
Im at the end of my rope with this.I need help.
I messed up when I tried to upload a coaster and I found that my track packager got messed up somehow and now I cant download using the packager anymore. I tried to re-install and check everything but for some reason I know theres something missing.For example-
When you download from this site and you get the window stating either to save this file now or open file with compressed folders, or download later , I used to get the track packager icon to press and it would open the packager, install the files and then I could ride. But I'm not getting that anymore. the packager wont open!Just the Nolimits stating ERROR! that it could not load track. do's someone know whats going on? Please , can you help?

Post December 13th, 2005, 8:35 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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all files uploaded here are in a zip file first. Unzip it and then open the trackpackager file...

Post December 13th, 2005, 2:55 pm
Oscar User avatar
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put topics in the right forum!!!!! you do this every time, that is the last time I moe it to the right onw, from now on any topics of yours in the wrong forum is just getting deleted.

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