Runs 3 trains.
25 MPH (I think) Lift.
Very long ride, worth the wait of the lines if this were real life.
This coaster is filled with intense G's and breathtaking drops.
I haven't gotten to do supports yet except for the lift.
Does anyone want to test it like it is before I start the rest of the supports? I would appreciate it.
The colors are not final, any suggestions are welcome.
I am currently naming the coaster Daredevil Moutain but other suggestions are also welcome.
I need a name for this coaster. If you could think of something for me, that's great. Try to include the word volcano in it.
More pics will be uploaded later but here are the ones for now:

Let's start out the ride with flipping the riders upside down.

Lift structure close up.

Top of lift.

Not exactly hairpin turns but they do pull some high G's.

No need to say anything.

Lift from a distance.

Another inversion which used to be a camelback before it went through the AHG.

I've been waiting to put a roll right before the brake run on one of my coasters for a while now.