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New Expansion

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Post July 5th, 2003, 5:32 pm

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

any one have any info about it?
Last edited by rctycoon112 on July 5th, 2003, 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 5th, 2003, 5:42 pm

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Post July 5th, 2003, 6:03 pm

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

jeez, how much do you spam 38801xlr8? If you don't got any info, don't say anything

Post July 5th, 2003, 6:54 pm

Posts: 1275
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Location: Bay Area, CA more of the
I'm not directing it specifically but lets keep it on topic plz

There's another expansion pack? Where can I find some info about it?

Post July 5th, 2003, 7:08 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

i guess u cud just search on google or is it time travelers or somethin like that?

Post July 5th, 2003, 8:45 pm

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

its time twister, and the only info i know is that it you can pre order it on amazon, and it ships in October

Post July 5th, 2003, 9:02 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

Post July 5th, 2003, 10:03 pm

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

yes, to be precise, October 21 (acording to amazon). I hope they have new flat rides and TTD track.

Post July 5th, 2003, 10:35 pm

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I've heard somewhere that its gonna be mostly scenery and no new rides [:(] I forgot where, but I might be wrong about it.

Post July 5th, 2003, 11:20 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

Post July 5th, 2003, 11:32 pm

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Scenery is good, but I havn't really seen an expansion pack that actually includes more rides and ride styles. Maybe in RCT but in RCT2 i think all there is is scenery in the expansion packs. IMO it would be a lot better to just wait for the RCT3 to come out which I am guesing will come out.

Post July 6th, 2003, 1:05 am

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

I was reading some stuff of what people said, and most people think its going to be a scenery addition because wacky worlds was released what, 2 months ago(not sure) and now this is being release 4-5 months later, doesnt seem that much work would have been done in that amount of time, unless they were working on it for a while. Think about how long it took when rct1 first came out and when Loopy Landscapes was released. We will soon know more in the weeks to come......

Post June 15th, 2009, 1:04 pm

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wow, to bring up a topic from years ago, then to say something stupid like that is just amazing. RCT3 has been out for a while
What are these for?

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