Board index Roller Coaster Games Roller Coaster Tycoon 1, 2 & 3 New Game, New Features. All Pitch in!

New Game, New Features. All Pitch in!

Discuss anything related to the Roller Coaster Tycoon 1, 2 and 3.

Post April 10th, 2006, 3:08 pm

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
Well you guys obviously play the game for scenarios and doing goals, not for building freely and doing whatever you want. If you want the nostalgic style, play RCT1 or 2, but trying to backtrack to 2D and never adding in at least half decent coasters won't get anywhere, it's like asking next generation consoles to go back to 2D on 8 bit color, 16 maximum sprites on the display, and with 8 button controllers.

Post April 10th, 2006, 3:38 pm

Posts: 868
Points on hand: 4,391.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
RCT 3 had it right in having sandbox mode and built in scnarios, that should stay the same, but I understand where people are coming from on the graphical downgrade. When the park gets busy you CANT fast forward unless you are overclocking you CPU to 5 freakin GHz. The least they could do is have a map mode that takes up the whole screen dumping the GUI and the 3d enviorment and just displays whereeverone is on a map.

But my number 1 dislike of RCT 3 was the speed of the guests loading the rides. It took way to long for anyone on that game to board a normal sized train, thats not cool. At least have station queues for each row or speed them up abit. The problem wasn't them getting on, it was going through the ticket stand where they often got confused.

Post April 10th, 2006, 4:05 pm

Posts: 74
Points on hand: 68.00 Points
Location: Oneida, New York, USA

i think it would be cool if the game was "unbeatable" so to speak. RCT and RCT2 have only a limited amount of scenarios. But with the new game there'd be a website that they (as in the company not regular people) can put new scenarios every two weeks or so (one scenario for each difficulty so thats three scenarios each update) so the game is "unbeatable" youd never get bored with the game. id also like if there was a better, more realistic supporting system. the supports in the game now would never support a real coaster. like when as the hight increases the supports could get thicker and as you go around turns theere would be lateral supports and also better supports on inversons (i.e. loops, diveloops immlemens and cobra rolls). lastly make the inversons more realistic. (this is for zero g rolls , immlemens and dive loops).

Post April 10th, 2006, 4:41 pm

Posts: 1612
Points on hand: 2,603.00 Points
Location: Devon, UK
I think they should incorperate 'Advanced Roller Coaster Design' into a theme park environment.
In my opinion time would be a big issue, building a realistic coaster takes large amounts of time as the theme park may need seeing to throughout problems and bad situations etc.

So it would be good to build a coaster in a different editor, and then merge it over into the park into the correct position.
Simple but affective, u get me?

Post April 10th, 2006, 5:34 pm

Posts: 2260
Points on hand: 87.00 Points
Bank: 12,611.00 Points
Location: MI, USA
Originally posted by the coaster finatic

i think it would be cool if the game was "unbeatable" so to speak. RCT and RCT2 have only a limited amount of scenarios. But with the new game there'd be a website that they (as in the company not regular people) can put new scenarios every two weeks or so (one scenario for each difficulty so thats three scenarios each update) so the game is "unbeatable" youd never get bored with the game. id also like if there was a better, more realistic supporting system. the supports in the game now would never support a real coaster. like when as the hight increases the supports could get thicker and as you go around turns theere would be lateral supports and also better supports on inversons (i.e. loops, diveloops immlemens and cobra rolls). lastly make the inversons more realistic. (this is for zero g rolls , immlemens and dive loops).

Bad idea with it being "unbeatable", I assume you just mean something like this: say you reach 500 guests, it changes and you now need 1000. You can just make up your own goals in a sandbox mode (and if it's a real sandbox mode, it would let you set up the surrounding environment, adjust researched items, and allow you to limit money, a bit like the scenario editor but still necessary. Actually there would be no problems with it if they had the brains to know that loading a scenario editor template from the main menu would be necessary)

Post April 11th, 2006, 8:21 am

Posts: 98
Points on hand: 2,966.00 Points
Location: Maryland, USA

I think they should incorperate 'Advanced Roller Coaster Design' into a theme park environment.
In my opinion time would be a big issue, building a realistic coaster takes large amounts of time as the theme park may need seeing to throughout problems and bad situations etc.

So it would be good to build a coaster in a different editor, and then merge it over into the park into the correct position.
Simple but affective, u get me?

to reply on that "advanced coaster design" comment, that is a good idea, in which you can select a patch of land and import it to the editor where you can deform the land and build the coaster. Then import it back into the park.

also, they should add a way for you to make up your own coaster types because i always wanting to make new coaster types since RCT3. but all this features should be made for a new franchise not another RCT because that would suck...booty[lol]

Post April 11th, 2006, 9:16 am

Posts: 904
Points on hand: 5,473.00 Points
Location: Norway
Originally posted by coasteragent99

Well you guys obviously play the game for scenarios and doing goals, not for building freely and doing whatever you want. If you want the nostalgic style, play RCT1 or 2, but trying to backtrack to 2D and never adding in at least half decent coasters won't get anywhere, it's like asking next generation consoles to go back to 2D on 8 bit color, 16 maximum sprites on the display, and with 8 button controllers.

Wenever said anything about not adding coaster styles. But realeasing a game with 2d is still possible. if only the game is good enough people will play it. A lot of games has been ruined when converted from 2d to 3d. Take a game like Heroes of might and magic. Everyone I know says that it looks bad when they see screens from the new 3d game, and at the same time they love the old 2d game. Locomotion is another game taht came out last year. 2d. Still a great game, and realy addictiv. I think its still possible.
Coaster count: 153
Moving to Singapore in july!

Post June 3rd, 2006, 7:35 am

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 83.00 Points
Location: Hereford, United Kingdom
I am a rollercoaster sim fanatic and have all the major ones (No Limits, Scream Machines, Ultimate Ride Disney Coaster, RCT3, & Hyperrails). I am also a freelance 3D Computer Animator using 3D Studio MAX, & Softimage XSI. I would dearly lve (in RCT 3) to be able to simply import a 3DS model directly into RCT 3 without having to go through the process of using Jon Wills Object Importer. Also, it would be great to create your own anmiated objects for it as well.

Post June 15th, 2006, 10:35 pm

Posts: 43
Points on hand: 53.00 Points
Location: Clermont, Florida, USA
I Would Like An Online Coaster Game Like RCT2 With The Ability To Have A Little Character To Walk Around Parks And Ride Rides And Be Able To Create Your Own Rides By Clickin On An Icon Selecting Amount Of Space You Want Usable Only Up To 55 X 55 SQ Ft With An Unlimited Amount Of Space For The World And Different Worlds..And If You Want To Do A Ride With A Friend You Request Space And Ability To Build Together..And I Would Want A Feature Where U Couldnt Modify Another Persons Ride Unless THat Person Was Online And U Requested Authority To Edit The Ride Using An Icon Messaging The Person Ohhh And Ummm I WOuld Like A Chat Box That U Can Send Messages To Friends While In THe Game By Clicking On An Icon And A Way Where U Can join Chats in general And create your Own Chat Rooms And Have It Refrain From Cuss Words By Clickin On A Button That Does So WHich Activates And deactivates Sensorship For Little kids who hate foul language etc...I would Also Like A Way Where U Can Go To A List Like Rct2 And Choose Premade Rides With Little Tabs That Say Recreations Or Premade Non Rec And SO On Or Friends Ride List Or Shared Rides List And What Not That WOuld Be My dream Game Infact Im Going to go to submit My idea To the company that makes rct and stuff suggest this tell them to put it in 3d but better three d than rct3 and stuff and if they decline im gonna suggest it to other game makers and if not ill wait till im 18 to go to college of video game making lol and put my ideas to work hope u enjoy my ideas
Gotta love dem' coasters!

Post June 15th, 2006, 11:18 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Location: spring valley

the option of real time, public parrks would be great. i'm not quite sure how those online war games work, but i imagine the same concept could apply. people could peddle their rides to the "management" of these parks , the web host i guess. they'd also have to supply a maintenance and operation plan, and a staff to maintain the ride/concession. park hours and events could be archived and accessed by members who dont have access to the online park, or by people who missed something, but the rest of the time the park could have a daily schedule and seasons even, but in real time unlike rct.the people in the park would be people with access, then i guess it would also have an escapism option. like a one player mode, wher time can be sped up in increments. the type of building that no limits employs would be incredible.. but for something as elaborate as a park sim you'd want to make sure the general public would at least be able to figure it out enough to be interested.. therefore a custom/elemental option could be had, that way people could jump right in. i don't know about the stuff other than rollercoasters.. those would be hard to design, and i imagine they could all be customizable prefabs.. eh.. anyways that all would be fun, except that i know my computer couldn't handle all of it!!!

Post June 15th, 2006, 11:25 pm

Posts: 1065
Points on hand: 111.00 Points
Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
just you get to make a park can make a server or something online with the park. You can walk around and ride rides. Then you can also chat with other people in the park.
Go chuff yourself and have a nice day! :D

Post June 15th, 2006, 11:59 pm

Posts: 57
Points on hand: 2,141.00 Points
Location: audubon, NJ, USA
What i would really like to see in a game, RCT3 has the features I already lokve in a game like this, but I think we can do better in just updateing them a bit. heres what I mean. Like right now when you bulid a coaster you can say only make two or three types of turns based on what coaster you are building, I would like to see there more options on what direction the track can go and track design itself. I am a big fan of things being realistic, So when I bought the new RCT3 when it came out i had really high hopes, I mean much of it didn't dissapoint me but there were some aspect of the game that I think are just not up to par with everyone else right now in the roller coaster sim business. Also some more options in scenery and supports, like I read in a previous post the single supports just do not cut it when it comes to realsim, also some more options in buildings like old time stuff so that maybe we could build a park in say the year 1920 and progress in time to the present with styles that are surrently in parks today. And one last thing before I go, I am kinda of tired of all these food and drink stalls that look like the food, when we go to amusement parks there are not hot dog places that look like a hot dog they are just plain buldings that sell hot dogs, I mean maybe RCT is going for a younger market but they have to consider that older guys are playing this too and the whole kiddie thing is kinda stupid.

Post June 16th, 2006, 12:00 am
jayman Premium Member
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Posts: 4811
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Location: spring valley

Post June 16th, 2006, 9:29 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Or how about you have a RCT match against a competitor online? Your both given the exact same park, and lets say there are 4000 guests that are interested in a theme park. So you and your rival are given the same park "scenerios" that are identical, and after 1 hour of gameplay (or a year in the game's time), whoever has the best park according to different circumstances (total coasters, total rides, total overall rides, total overall guest happiness, park value, awards recieved, ect.). So basically you compete for the guests, and therefore the income, to attract the limited pool of guests. I think this idea could be very sucessful! And also, scenery should be valued much more in terms of adding excitement to rides, because that way it would make adding it to a ride more competitive. We all know placing it randomly around a ride now and placing it carefull both deliver a small (.1-.2) increase in excitement. And obviously the length of the match could be changed. What do you guys think?

Well you guys obviously play the game for scenarios and doing goals, not for building freely and doing whatever you want. If you want the nostalgic style, play RCT1 or 2, but trying to backtrack to 2D and never adding in at least half decent coasters won't get anywhere, it's like asking next generation consoles to go back to 2D on 8 bit color, 16 maximum sprites on the display, and with 8 button controllers.

Newsflash, the RCT series was never meant to and will probably never be built for realistic coaster building, as already said, this is what No Limits and Scream Machines are for!. You simply cannot create an astounding coaster simulator and park simulator in one package, because there are two many characterstics that would conflict with eachother ... think about it.

Post June 16th, 2006, 10:35 pm

Posts: 57
Points on hand: 2,305.00 Points
Location: Reno, NV, USA
I would like to see a game like rct2, but with better upgrades like with new elements and custom supports. Also new coaster types like Aquatrax and x-coasters.

Post June 17th, 2006, 12:06 am

Posts: 703
Points on hand: 2,579.00 Points
Location: USA

All I want is RCT with an undo button. I want one almost everytime I play because I make a stupid mistakes, like clicking the wrong thing. I hate it.


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