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New Ride coming soon !

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Post September 14th, 2002, 9:14 am

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Check out these stats of my new ride, the ride itself is almost done but i am working on the supports. As you can see the support numbers are pretty high, i used all of this for theming wich isn't done yet, i think when the theming is done it will add another 1000 tubes wich make my numbers bigger than those from eiffel tower exterem

Track Filename: Porsche [M] (Lucas).nltrack
Track File Size: 200.524

Coaster Style: Stand Up
Number of Trains: 2
Cars per Train..: 8

Number of Vertices...........: 40
Number of Track Segments.....: 40
Normal Segments...: 34
Station Segments..: 1
Lift Segments.....: 3
Transport Segments: 1
Brake Segments....: 1

Number of Fundamental Nodes..: 882
Number of Free Nodes.........: 1402
Number of Rasc Nodes.........: 14
Track Nodes............: 12
Single Supports........: 0
Complex Supports.......: 0
Inverted Supports......: 0
90deg Bank Supports....: 0
Small Inverted Supports: 0
A-Shape Supports.......: 2

Number of Tubes: 1547
L-Beams.....: 204
I-Beams.....: 155
Small Tubes.: 47
Medium Tubes: 1101
Large Tubes.: 24

Number of Trees: 0
Tree A: 0
Tree B: 0
Tree C: 0

Number of Objects: 5

You can compare them with eiffel tower extreme and project wormhole down here.

Track Filename: Eiffel Tower Extreme.nltrack
Track File Size: 195.812

Coaster Style: Twisted Steel
Number of Trains: 4
Cars per Train..: 4

Number of Vertices...........: 47
Number of Track Segments.....: 47
Normal Segments...: 33
Station Segments..: 1
Lift Segments.....: 1
Transport Segments: 1
Brake Segments....: 11

Number of Fundamental Nodes..: 160
Number of Free Nodes.........: 1512
Number of Rasc Nodes.........: 156
Track Nodes............: 0
Single Supports........: 147
Complex Supports.......: 0
Inverted Supports......: 0
90deg Bank Supports....: 9
Small Inverted Supports: 0
A-Shape Supports.......: 0

Number of Tubes: 2580
L-Beams.....: 829
I-Beams.....: 878
Small Tubes.: 183
Medium Tubes: 547
Large Tubes.: 143

Number of Trees: 79
Tree A: 30
Tree B: 26
Tree C: 23

Number of Objects: 0

Track Filename: Project Wormhole [F] (Phyter).nltrack
Track File Size: 281.301

Coaster Style: Twisted Steel
Number of Trains: 3
Cars per Train..: 8

Number of Vertices...........: 87
Number of Track Segments.....: 87
Normal Segments...: 77
Station Segments..: 1
Lift Segments.....: 4
Transport Segments: 0
Brake Segments....: 5

Number of Fundamental Nodes..: 367
Number of Free Nodes.........: 2325
Number of Rasc Nodes.........: 169
Track Nodes............: 43
Single Supports........: 98
Complex Supports.......: 12
Inverted Supports......: 0
90deg Bank Supports....: 14
Small Inverted Supports: 2
A-Shape Supports.......: 0

Number of Tubes: 3439
L-Beams.....: 1652
I-Beams.....: 1141
Small Tubes.: 208
Medium Tubes: 79
Large Tubes.: 359

Number of Trees: 28
Tree A: 13
Tree B: 15
Tree C: 0

Number of Objects: 0

Quite nice isn't it ;) Well the track will be here in 1 one 2 weeks, so sit tight

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