GSSM stands for Great Slovenian Scream Machine, but the name is only temporary...
Quite a while back, I was watching a GASM video, and thought how exciting it must be. And then I just had this strange urge to make a coaster, that's similar, but not very, to GASM, and so I made it...
It's just as high as GASM, but a tad longer, it's 1131m long... It has 7 airhills, but alltogether it has 19 airtime spots. It also features 7 unbanked turnarounds, to create maximum thrill by producing high lats (up to 1.6G). The maximum speed is approx. 85kph, which is a bit less than GASM...
The layout has a fairly unique shape, altho some may call it "linear"...
But let's face it, GASM is pretty linear too, but nobody says something aboutit, right...
So, I leave you with only one pic for today, more will come soon...
Enjoy and feel free to comment!
Ok, I have a few things to add:
-I need testers!
-Need a cool name
-After I get the name, I would need someone to make me a pretty cartexture, to pretty-fy it a bit
-Does anyone know how many brakes these things have? I currently have a very small brake segment before the first big brakerun and after that I have aniother one... Would it be realistyc if it had 2 stations and ran 3 trains?
Thanks in advance![:D]