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Newton 2 element help

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Post November 26th, 2009, 3:58 am

Posts: 17
Points on hand: 2,285.00 Points
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I'm working on a coaster right now and trying to make not so much a Intamin-esque top hat but more of a 90 degree hill sorta like we've seen on the new Premier coaster at Kennywood. I know that you can't make vertical pieces in Newton and to make it around 89 degrees, but I still can't seem to get a shape anywhere near what I'm aiming for. I know that you have to also use quaternion, but has anyone created a tophat/90 degree hill that they can share some tips on so I can create this element?


Post November 26th, 2009, 7:21 am
hyyyper User avatar
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This is what I made, starting with 3Gs, then a transition to -1G, -1G to -0.5G and back to -1G on the tophat (Sextic), transition to 3Gs and back to level at 3G.

But looking at the ride from Kennywood, I highly doubt the hill will either be 90* or without any form of speed management (lims,brakes,lift).

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Post November 26th, 2009, 2:28 pm

Posts: 17
Points on hand: 2,285.00 Points
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
The Kennywood coaster has both a 90 degree entrance and exit, but there is a brake at the top of the hill that will probably slow the train and maybe even hold it. I'm not going after that design specifically, I just don't want a Intamin looking top hat.

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