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Newton 2 question

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Post August 21st, 2010, 5:39 pm

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
This isn't so much a technical problem with Newton2 as it is a feature request, but it's really not even that. I know what I want to do is possible, because I've seen it done many, many times on other Newton rides, and it's probably a really simple fix.
Ok, so basically I want this track to bank 20 degrees to the right, and then immediately 40 degrees to the left. Unfortunately, using the "quintic" transition means the rotation stalls a bit after the first rotation, and the "Bernstein" transition eliminates that, but causes a snap at the beginning and end (I won't even go into the Agnesi transition...). Next, using a bump transition doesn't work, so I'm forced to try the "hybrid" timewarp transition, but setting even a maximum "blending" value puts the final banking at like 13.5 degrees, instead of the 0 that I want.
So my question then is, how do I fix this? It may seem ridiculously subtle and pointless, but this is literally my 6th attempt at a layout for this roller coaster, and all of the previous ones were scrapped because they weren't as perfect as I wanted them - I'm planning on going all out for realism on this ride.

Post August 21st, 2010, 9:40 pm

Posts: 179
Points on hand: 1,152.00 Points
Location: Livingston, New Jersey, USA
You may have to split the banking up a bit, I don't really understand what you are saying, but using a linear when splitting up the banking will make it "Kind of" seem more "Smooth". What it really comes down to, is you just have to mess with Newton as much as you can.

Post August 21st, 2010, 10:01 pm

Posts: 1240
Points on hand: 6,869.00 Points
Location: New Jersey, USA

Post August 22nd, 2010, 12:39 am

Posts: 2864
Points on hand: 4,152.00 Points
Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

If you use the hybrid time warping transition, you can increase the blend all the way and you should be able to go + then substantial - banking in one transition. I wish we could define our own banking transition function :(

Post August 22nd, 2010, 1:01 am

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
Euler orientation, and my problem is that the blend increase doesn't reverse the banking as much as I would like. But I think I did find a solution: don't bank to the right first! [:)] Thanks for all the help, though, I really appreciate it!

Post August 25th, 2010, 2:06 am

Posts: 510
Points on hand: 1,385.00 Points
If the Quintic transition stalls... and the others snap...

I would recommend using two individual timewarping transitions. Try different tension and center values.

Also, you could try using Quaternion, and see if that helps.
Originally posted by dcs221
\n"they see me trollin', they hatin'..." -Omnigeek6

Chamillionaire you are not...but white and nerdy, yes.

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