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Newton2 Speed Setting?

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Post October 31st, 2009, 10:47 pm

Posts: 141
Points on hand: 850.00 Points
Since ive been using Newton2, ive been making my coasters with the Straight/Curved Geometry tabs. But id like to use the speed settings(in the inital values). So before my track begins, at the top of the lift, i set the speed to how fast i want the chain to go in m/s, then create a new segment, thats the apex of the drop, then change the exit speed setting to auto. I then attempt to create a new segment, and while the segment option box creates the new section, i dont see it in the preview box.

In short
I set the exit speed to auto, create a new segment, and it dosent show up.

Anyone know what im doing wrong?

Post October 31st, 2009, 10:57 pm

Posts: 134
Points on hand: 155.00 Points
The straight geometry is for when you define a specific speed at the end of the section e.g. 10m/s. This is for if you make a launched track or lift hill.

If you set it to auto, Newton treats the track segment as any other segment, and the speed at the end of the segment will be what it would be if gravity was the only force - i.e. slowing down.

The next track segment probably won't show up because the segment end speed will be NAN (not a number) In other words, it will stop and go backwards/stall before it reaches the the end of the segment.

Stop this by manually setting the end of the straight section as your lift hill speed. I suggest you make the top of your lift hill out of curved geometry as well otherwise you'll get a very tight lift hill.

Post November 2nd, 2009, 12:46 am

Posts: 141
Points on hand: 850.00 Points
After i get the right speed setting, can i use FVD controls? Or will newton still think that the train has stalled?

Post November 2nd, 2009, 8:35 am

Posts: 158
Points on hand: 1,440.00 Points
Originally posted by Panther16

After i get the right speed setting, can i use FVD controls? Or will newton still think that the train has stalled?

It depends, But You usually wnat the transition from Cruved/Straight Geometry between 0 and -numbers because the train won't stall if it has no more uphill to go.

Depends on what you are trying to make.
Cedar Point FTW

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