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NFL Player of the Week

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NFL Player of the Week

Randy Moss
No votes
Daunte Culpepper
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Peyton Manning
Reggie Wayne
Chad Pennington
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Marc Bulger
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Torry Holt
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Anyone but Eric Barton
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Total votes : 4

Post January 11th, 2005, 1:05 am

Posts: 329
Points on hand: 4,004.00 Points
Location: Lancaster, CA, USA

Post January 11th, 2005, 2:24 am

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Peyton Manning, definitely. Who can argue with the all-time playoff record for points scored, touchdown passes, total yards, and passing yards? Those are numbers to reckon with.

Post January 11th, 2005, 4:56 am

Posts: 66
Points on hand: 2,861.00 Points
Location: Boston, Massechusetts, USA
Why does everyone want to choke on Peyton Manning's private parts. I really despise the notion of individual stats on a team sport. Peyton Manning is NOTHING without some outstanding wide recievers and tight ends to throw the ball to. And with an offensive line that buys THAT much time for him, he OUGHT to be able to get the ball into someone's hands. What, 10 sacks all year for a loss of only 100 odd yards. Geez, my 2 year old could grow up enough to learn how to trow the ball with that much time.

Is he good, yes. Of course he is. But you are only as good as your team, something that Indy needs to learn, since the offense may be top notch, but the defense of the colts just plain blows. Sorry Peyton, hard to win a Superbowl with only half a TEAM.

Post January 11th, 2005, 10:03 am

Posts: 1008
Points on hand: 5,120.00 Points
Location: Illinois, USA

I would pick Moss, but after his attitude, he doesnt really display a good player.

Post January 11th, 2005, 5:57 pm

Posts: 398
Points on hand: 2,585.00 Points
Location: IL, USA
Originally posted by torch511

Why does everyone want to choke on Peyton Manning's private parts.

TConwell will love you for that, lol....

Anyway, yeah, it's a valid opinion, but I really no doubt that he's the best QB in the league...he's just so good. Usually he doesn't need the time his offensive line gives him, because the ball is out so quickly...and you've got to respect how efficiently he runs the offense, calling his own plays at the line and constantly keeping the defense off balance.

Post January 11th, 2005, 6:25 pm

Posts: 235
Points on hand: 3,741.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Originally posted by torch511

Peyton Manning is NOTHING without some outstanding wide recievers and tight ends to throw the ball to. And with an offensive line that buys THAT much time for him, he OUGHT to be able to get the ball into someone's hands.

that's exactly what Peyton says lol. he works VERY hard every week and really knows his stuff (watching tapes etc). the colt's offense has some of the most unselfish players I've ever seen, especially with harrison sharing the spotlight with the rest of the receiving crew. manning is very humble and a great spokesman for the game. he deserves player of week, even with that foolish interception in the endzone. I still can't figure out why he tried to force a bullet pass into triple coverage...oh, well. the rest of his stats were a little higher than I expected against the broncos, so he deserves the recognition.

Originally posted by torch511
the defense of the colts just plain blows.

I wouldn't go quite that far lol. perhaps you didn't notice we have freeney (league sack leader) and mathis providing solid pass rushing, and the line seems to get better every year. yes, it's hard to build a good d using only 25% of your salary cap, but if you look at the stats the colts can really stop opponents in the red zone. that's when it counts. sure, we rank low in defense because we appear to give up a lot of yards, but peyton , edge, and crew easily put up far greater numbers. and our special teams are very solid with good coverage on kickoffs and punts and the most accurate field goal kicker of all time.


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