Originally posted by Hyper_Goliath
If I'm right, from what I understand, the refresh rate on your monitor is automatically the highest amoutn of frames per second you can achieve, for example, at 70 Hz, a monitor refreshes 70 times a second, so if you get higher than that many frames a second in a game, it will still appear as 70 frames per second.
Actually, refresh rate is not linked to FPS. Refresh rate has to do with the image being shown on the monitor. You'll see your monitor's refresh rate in slow-mo if you take a digital camera to it and you see the screen do a flicker or seeing lines going down the screen. It's not just 1 solid flash, but a series of quick flickers that you can't see it.
FPS would have to do with your video memory...you have a sucky video card, you get sucky fps and vice versa.