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Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post October 25th, 2009, 6:36 am

Posts: 1830
Points on hand: 3,960.00 Points
Location: London, United Kingdom

So, abbreviations aside,

How many of you would like to see a Ride Op looking program that sits on top of the NL Sim window, at the bottom left (like, NL fairground ), which would contain of course, E-stop, Manual/Auto mode, Raise/Lower harness, Open/Close Gates, and the sort..

What'd u think?

Post October 25th, 2009, 10:26 am

Posts: 497
Points on hand: 59.00 Points
Location: New York, USA
I think that would be pretty sweet to have. Ive always wished that the control panel was interactive in NL.
^the message is up there^

Post October 25th, 2009, 2:23 pm

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

I rarely use manual dispatch...only when working on my braking system really, so I wouldn't really be interested in this. Operating the coaster isn't a significant point of the program to me.

Post October 25th, 2009, 3:00 pm

Posts: 620
Points on hand: 2,092.00 Points
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Location: Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Post October 26th, 2009, 9:46 pm

Posts: 11
Points on hand: 1,268.00 Points
Location: Buena Park, CA, USA
I suppose that incorporating the concept couldn't hurt at worst, and make the designer the proud operator of their creation. Why not?

Post October 27th, 2009, 5:11 pm

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
I don't see why it'd be a problem, I just don't know if it'd be worth the time of whoever codes it.

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