I am getting really tired of hearing all this NL upudate stuff. They just finished making the woody update. You have to give these people a break, they just finished. Its like school, you do al that work and then you get a nice refreashing break after the school year. Thats how it is for them. Give them AT LEAST ANOTHER 2-3 months before you metion possibilities. Yeah, it is fun to think of what is next, but for crying outloud, just let them relax, please.
Yeah, i agree, but I think i know why you are saying this. If it is about that morgan poll, I will say this once again. What NitroMan meant was he wanted to see if people thought that Morgan track would be cool in NL, if people thought "Hey, I think this would be fun to make a Morgan track in NL, I would definitely enjoy it" He didn't mean this: "Hey, i think that we should have Morgan trains in NL, what do you think?" It was just a matter of who thought it was cool or not.
But for those who are requesting more updates and asking the NL team to make an addition to this or that, you should just leave them alone, and if they ever decide BY THEMSELVES to make a new update, it will be worth it that people didn't ask and make them have to rush and stuff.
So, just be happy that NL is amazing, and enjoy the v1.3. We don't need anything more right now, and everyone should be more than happy with the current status of NL right now. It's absolutely amazing, and there is no reason to ask for more.
this has something to do with the poll, not toally your poll though. I find that when people ponder about new coasters, some people jump to conlusions and say "when" instead of "maybe that would be cool one day" or "if".