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{NL2}City Park - Park Update 5/21

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Post January 21st, 2015, 6:53 am

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After the release and success of DechLave's first park, Craig Ranch Village, DechLave Ent. has decided to announce the arrival of new park, along with some other information on the company's seemingly bright future! DechLave Ent. had plans to put up another park well before the opening of CRV and they knew that they wanted to have this park up and running not too long after CRV was released. The GM of CRV and CEO of DechLave sat down together to begin making official plans for this new park; they knew that the park would have a different setting, a setting that left them with limited space... they also knew that they wanted both parks to offer different experiences while keeping the same DechLave-ish style. After a few weeks of brainstorming, park plans were finalized and construction began!

Construction for the park's largest coaster has gone vertical and the support work is nearing completion...



Construction of this park is going FAST! There are also, 3 other coasters at the park that are completely installed! Unfortunately, no pics of those coasters are available but, some will be out soon ;)

DechLave Ent. is also proud to announce that they've purchased what was (supposed to be) formerly known as Silver State City: the Thrill Park! Not much is known about this park or why it was never finished but, it was supposed to be built in the Vegas Valley and once it opened, it would've the 3rd largest amusement park in the West Coast next to Disney and Six Flags Magic Mountain. Shortly after construction for the park went vertical, it ceased and the land was put up for sale along with everything purchased for the park and whatever was standing. DechLave Ent. took the sale for approx. $110million. Reconstruction for this park is planned to begin after City Park has been released. But for now, here are some pics of what's standing...






DechLave Ent. will keep you guys updated on the status of BOTH of these parks as construction continues!
Last edited by DechLave on May 21st, 2016, 8:26 pm, edited 16 times in total.
-DechLave T.P Ent.

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Yea, one or maybe two will go (for now)! The park is essentially being rebuilt and re-branded, so what you see in the pics may or may not be included in the final line up...

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wait do I see ttd in the background or is my eye lying

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^^ no, its not TTD... but you ARE seeing what's supposed to be an Intamin strata coaster ;)

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You like bright colors lol
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Very nice presentation of the park. Love the bright colors! They work very nicely with each other. Keep it up!
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***UPDATE on Dechlave's City Park***

A LOT of work as been done on the park since its announcement! All four of the park's main coasters have been completed (somewhat-ish) and testing has begun!!! You will also see that some of the park's flat rides and greenery have install been installed, along with a couple of buildings that appear to be either restaurants or maybe gift shops? Park officials have stated that they are actually way ahead of schedule with construction and that it will be ready for the public sooner than expected! :o Not much to say since official stats for the rides have yet to be released but it's pretty easy to take an educated guess on what the park has chosen for their starting line-up!








Dechlave Ent. would like thank cool5 for the help during the production of this park!

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@TTD03 thanks!

@skyscraper No set date ATM but, release isn't far... the project is coming along nicely!

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DechLave T.P Ent. has announced that they are shooting for a February 14th release date for City Park... Not much to update on other than all coasters have been completed, flat rides have been installed and everything is cycling smoothly through the testing process! Construction of park buildings such as, restaurants, shops and the midway arcade area is in full swing and should be finishing up soon... Scenery, station buildings and queue line are also starting to take form in their appropriate places!



P.S park officials say they're waiting to get some cool night shots, so stay tuned! :D

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What's up you guys, it's been a while since we've visited this park but, I figured I'd share some pics I got of the park just to show the progress that's being made and that the project is NOT dead!

Here you can see the giant observation wheel (official name TBA) has received work on the loading platform as well as the queue building which will also serve as the ride's exit and gift shop!

City Park will be the first park in the DechLave chain to have a Starbucks! Love this shot with Shadow X in the background :) :o

Here we have the S&S SkySwat ride (official name TBA). Majority of its queue is in place and you see, this ride's queue will provide some nice shade!

Nice shot of the park's family coaster which travels through a couple of different areas in the park! Shadow X, in the background AGAIN!


Another one of my favorite shots! Taken in the main "arena" of Shadow X!

DechLave is still hauling away at this park... It was estimated for a February release but, as you can see, that obviously didn't happen! There is no estimated release date at this time but, I will say that all major work of the park is done and it'nearing completion, so just stay tuned!

P.S An extended list of credits and collabs will be released when the park is complete but, to name a few, I'd like to thank TOGO (cool5), Plantoris and of course Projektion!
-DechLave T.P Ent.

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I assume that family track is also looking like one Anton's looping on Kobe Port Island. (Now defunct.)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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Your 3DS park work is always top notch Dechleve - hope the tracks live up to expectations as at a glance they look good too!
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