Construction for the park's largest coaster has gone vertical and the support work is nearing completion...
Construction of this park is going FAST! There are also, 3 other coasters at the park that are completely installed! Unfortunately, no pics of those coasters are available but, some will be out soon

DechLave Ent. is also proud to announce that they've purchased what was (supposed to be) formerly known as Silver State City: the Thrill Park! Not much is known about this park or why it was never finished but, it was supposed to be built in the Vegas Valley and once it opened, it would've the 3rd largest amusement park in the West Coast next to Disney and Six Flags Magic Mountain. Shortly after construction for the park went vertical, it ceased and the land was put up for sale along with everything purchased for the park and whatever was standing. DechLave Ent. took the sale for approx. $110million. Reconstruction for this park is planned to begin after City Park has been released. But for now, here are some pics of what's standing...
DechLave Ent. will keep you guys updated on the status of BOTH of these parks as construction continues!