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No Limits 2: Handbuilding Straight Sections & Lift Hills

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Location: Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA
Okay so I have no problem creating straight sections and lift hills in FVD++ to import into No Limits 2 to use in the editor. The problem that i have with this is that the small segment lengths of FVD do not seem to agree with the longer segments/vertices when I start handbuilding the top of the lift hill made in fvd. On the other hand if I???m purely hand building trying to get the.lift and station perfectly straight with no minute curves is really difficult. Is there an easier way to hand build these straight sections within the no limits editor that assures that the straight sections line up exactly within a perfect straight line that can be seen when the editor is in ???top??? view?
Last edited by Topthrill123 on September 2nd, 2018, 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

mkingy User avatar

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I think I understand - the two ways to make straight track whilst handbuilding in NL2 are:

1) Using strict nodes (double click a vertices then click strict). If you have 2 strict nodes the track will be perfectly straight between these two nodes - perfect for the straight sections on lift hills.

2) "Make straight in 2D" or something similar in the track tab. You need to select the first, last and all the nodes inbetween where you want to be straight when looking in top veiw, then press the button and it will ensure all the nodes are straight in relation to the first and last.

If that doesn't make sense I'll do a quick tutorial but might be easier/quicker just to have a play with those buttons!
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mkingy wrote:
I think I understand - the two ways to make straight track whilst handbuilding in NL2 are:

1) Using strict nodes (double click a vertices then click strict). If you have 2 strict nodes the track will be perfectly straight between these two nodes - perfect for the straight sections on lift hills.

2) "Make straight in 2D" or something similar in the track tab. You need to select the first, last and all the nodes inbetween where you want to be straight when looking in top veiw, then press the button and it will ensure all the nodes are straight in relation to the first and last.

If that doesn't make sense I'll do a quick tutorial but might be easier/quicker just to have a play with those buttons!

I think it was the fact that the bottom of the lift was slightly curved and misaligned with the crest of the lift even though the straight section was technically straight. You're only able to tell from top view or it can be seen a little from track view. I am guessing this is what "Make straight in 2D" Does if that is correct.

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I always use the X-Y-Z coordinates to make sure the vertices are in a line, and then rotate the future lift with the bottom and crest to the angle I really need it to be at. Saves a ton of headaches and keeps me on the grid as much as possible.
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