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No Limits 2 Heartlines

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Post March 4th, 2015, 4:49 am

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I had a few requests to how to figure out heartlines. I gave up explaining and just did them all...
Cedar Point
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Post March 4th, 2015, 6:05 am

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Here I was thinking there might have been a new update I missed.

Post March 4th, 2015, 6:12 am
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Post March 4th, 2015, 7:30 am

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Post March 4th, 2015, 9:48 am

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SkyArrow wrote:
Here I was thinking there might have been a new update I missed.

No, sorry no update haha
Cedar Point
Beach Band- June-August

Post March 4th, 2015, 9:59 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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You're a good man Dave. Looks like it should be art of the game's readme!
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Post March 4th, 2015, 6:00 pm
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coasterdave wrote:
I had a few requests to how to figure out heartlines. I gave up explaining and just did them all...

Thank god, stickied! Thank you!

Post March 9th, 2015, 7:03 am

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Yay it's sticky now! And spiffy too!
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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Post July 29th, 2015, 9:11 am

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4D Coaster is 3.117 feet and the Inverted Coaster (4 seats across) is 3.609. 3 real world feet is about 150 feet in the simulator. Is that how I supposed to apply this chart, or do I go 3.117 feet of simulator feet? If I go 3.117 feet of simulator feet, the heartline will be too small.

Post August 20th, 2015, 12:35 am

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I think you need to use meters for better result :)
Correct me if I have wrong.

Post August 20th, 2015, 1:05 am
mkingy User avatar

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Unrealistic Coasters wrote:
4D Coaster is 3.117 feet and the Inverted Coaster (4 seats across) is 3.609. 3 real world feet is about 150 feet in the simulator. Is that how I supposed to apply this chart, or do I go 3.117 feet of simulator feet? If I go 3.117 feet of simulator feet, the heartline will be too small.

You lost me at "3 real world feet is about 150 feet in the simulator." I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting... that NL2 is scaled?
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Post August 20th, 2015, 6:25 am

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^ I couldn't get what he meant by "3 real world feet is about 150 feet." either. Hopefully he will elaborate that part.

-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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Post September 5th, 2015, 5:30 pm

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mkingy wrote:
Unrealistic Coasters wrote:
4D Coaster is 3.117 feet and the Inverted Coaster (4 seats across) is 3.609. 3 real world feet is about 150 feet in the simulator. Is that how I supposed to apply this chart, or do I go 3.117 feet of simulator feet? If I go 3.117 feet of simulator feet, the heartline will be too small.

You lost me at "3 real world feet is about 150 feet in the simulator." I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting... that NL2 is scaled?
My post was so long ago, I kinda forgot, but I will try to explain it here.

Zoomed all the way in, my grid is spaced by 5'. If you measure the 5' with a ruler, it's not even 6" long. It's 2.5" on my screen. So, If I were to create a heartline 5', in my simulator the track would be VERY short.

Post September 6th, 2015, 12:08 am

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You have me lost as well... Why are you measuring your screen with a ruler?

How I figured them out was an easy process.
1) Add coaster with "Heartline of current style" checked
2) Visually guesstimate the heartline based on the grid
3) Check and fine tune the "Custom C.o.R. Offset-Y" until it is heartlines line up.

Use the grid and coordinates on the bottom bar of the editor.
Cedar Point
Beach Band- June-August

Post September 22nd, 2015, 11:52 am

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This chart is very poorly done in explanation. Under the FEET category for an inverted coaster 4 seats across, it's -3.609. Is that not telling me the heartline should be 3.6 feet long? If it is telling me that, that is VERY small for ANY train to twist. From the beginning of the twist to the end of the twist, it should be at least 10 feet long. In the simulator, my measurements are 5' increments and that is a very short length for a train to twist.

1. This is automatic
2. Why do you have a chart if you have to "visually guesstimate the heartline based on the grid", but even so, I know my grid is spaced by 5' increments, so I know I can just apply the 3.609' accordingly. The problem is that heartline would kill riders. LMAO
3. is very confusing.

I use the grid and coordinates on the bottom, which is why I know 3 feet for a train to twist would kill riders.

Post September 22nd, 2015, 1:22 pm

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The chart makes perfect sense. I live in the U.S. and use our measurement system, but I admit using meters is 1000x better for this scenario, which is why I disregard the "feet" measurement.
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Post September 22nd, 2015, 4:27 pm

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Unrealistic Coasters wrote:
This chart is very poorly done in explanation. Under the FEET category for an inverted coaster 4 seats across, it's -3.609. Is that not telling me the heartline should be 3.6 feet long? If it is telling me that, that is VERY small for ANY train to twist. From the beginning of the twist to the end of the twist, it should be at least 10 feet long. In the simulator, my measurements are 5' increments and that is a very short length for a train to twist.

1. This is automatic
2. Why do you have a chart if you have to "visually guesstimate the heartline based on the grid", but even so, I know my grid is spaced by 5' increments, so I know I can just apply the 3.609' accordingly. The problem is that heartline would kill riders. LMAO
3. is very confusing.

I use the grid and coordinates on the bottom, which is why I know 3 feet for a train to twist would kill riders.

Yeah you're still not getting it. The feet and meter category are the exact same measurements. Just converted. What do you mean should be 3.6 feet long? This has NOTHING to do with the length of track to get the 'train to twist'. I'm guessing you don't understand what heartline means. The heartline is the center of rotation based on rider placement. The figures I depicted is the distance between the Center of Rail and the heartline. It is NOT the distance of track to complete a roll. You just don't understand the terms used; as this is a very easy chart.

1. This is automatic in the game. However if you would like to use an outside program (ie Newton), you need to know this information.
2. That's how I figured the heartline out... Not how I was building the ride. The heartlines I provided are EXACTLY what the NL2 shows. This would NOT kill riders. You just don't understand heartlines or how to use the chard for some reason. "LMAO"
3. It has been simple for literally the hundreds of people that have used my chart. This is not the only place I shared this chart.

Think before you type. If you need help, ask; cause when it backfires... well you see... "LMAO"
Cedar Point
Beach Band- June-August

Post September 22nd, 2015, 4:45 pm

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Why disregard the feet if the chart makes perfect sense? So, people are making tracks that twist for 1 meter long? In meters, you'd have to have a track at least 4-5 meters long without killing riders.


Each "track rib" look like they are spaced at least 1 feet apart, so if you count those, you can see how bad the chart is.

Post September 22nd, 2015, 5:03 pm

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Once again... You don't get it... I'll try and make some pictures so you get it cause apparently reading it isn't working.
Cedar Point
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Post September 22nd, 2015, 5:11 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Unrealistic Coasters he's measuring a completely different thing than what you're talking about. He's measuring the length of distance between the rider's heart and the track, which is the heartline. You're assuming he means the length in horizontal feet require to make a a "heartline roll", which is not the same thing as a track's heartline. He's totally right and it's a nice chart, stop giving him grief.
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Post September 22nd, 2015, 5:13 pm

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Vertical, not horizontal

EDIT: Thank you Coasterkidmwm - Exactly.
Cedar Point
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Post September 22nd, 2015, 5:14 pm
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I'm just going to sit hear with the popcorn and watch the show

Post September 22nd, 2015, 5:39 pm
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Post September 22nd, 2015, 11:31 pm

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Now just imagine if that information was presented in the first post, slow people like myself wouldn't have to cause a show. ;)


Post September 23rd, 2015, 1:23 am
mkingy User avatar

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