Observe framerate issues for various rides. The most obvious and common sense possibility for the slowdown when looking towards the station is probably because of the high detail trains.
The easiest way to update drivers is to go to window's device manager and get it to update by itself from there. (learn to google that up if you don't know how to get to that) If you know what graphics device you have (the computer doesn't always tell you these days if you have an Intel chip), you can just google that directly or go to NVidia/AMD's website and update from there.
If an update of drivers doesn't fix it, then your graphics chip is probably too slow for NL. An Intel 4500MHD or Geforce 2 (the GF2 is archaic and can't even handle the water effects, but is fairly fast for it's league) is pretty much the bare mininum for NL; anything less will run things very, very slowly especially on a ride that has 3 or more trains that are fairly long. Many of Intel's chips support the shaders necessary for the water, but are just too slow to handle the trains.