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No Limits Screwed me!

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Post August 24th, 2003, 1:14 am

Posts: 126
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Location: USA
I went to download this NL 1.31 mess, it screwed up my whole no limits! now they are asking me to pay like 25 bucks again this pisses me off so bad[:(!][:(!]

Post August 24th, 2003, 2:18 am

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

Did you have your serial # and registration key saved? If you didn't I saw something that says for the rest of the month you can pay just 7.95 if you are a prior custormer.

Post August 24th, 2003, 3:36 am

Posts: 1983
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U should have got the cd with no limits then the registration key and code is printed on the cd. Thats how i never lose my registration, bt if u have your registration somewhere it should allow you to type it in again.

Post August 24th, 2003, 3:39 am

Posts: 126
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Location: USA
I don't have my serial, give me their email please so i can get my 1.3 [:(!].

Post August 24th, 2003, 6:44 am

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just dont email them with all guns blazing, the people there are very nice and are appy to help you. They should fix your problem

Post August 24th, 2003, 11:09 am

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also, i think that tia's tool box has a registration key lookup on there.

Post August 24th, 2003, 12:11 pm
Oscar User avatar
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If you're brave enough, do this. I take no responsibility for damage r stuff that can happen to your computer, If you had nl installed, and uninstalled it accidentally or somethin do the following with good precaution and sober:

click start
then accesories
then command prompt
type in regedit and hit enter
you'll see folders on the left hand side, click the plus sign next to the folder that says: HKEY_CURRENT_USER
after that click the + sign next to "software"
scroll down to find "nolimits coasters"
click + sign again next you should see nolimits editor and nolimits simulator
click the folder called "nolimits simulator"
then something should appear in the right side window. scroll in that window to find two things "regkey" and "regusername" there's three column in that window, first column will contain what I just told you, second column is some other stuff thrid column is called data and there you should see thw reg info for your nl, just uhmm write it down, do not try to edit, open or anything, it displays there just fine, write it down, both regkey and username, then when you're done just close the window, then the command prompt window is still there, you can type exit and hit enter or just close the window by clicking the x.

remember only do this with precaution. I happened to do a little itty bitty mistake that caused me to corrupt some other software I was looking up info for [lol]

Post August 24th, 2003, 1:27 pm

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Post August 24th, 2003, 2:33 pm
Oscar User avatar
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forgot to say that this was for win xp, I don't know about other OS.

Post August 24th, 2003, 2:50 pm

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Location: USA
I'm not gonna blaze at them, I just need them to help me fix my problem, no thanx wws I won't do that.[V] and thank you edge.[:D]

Post August 24th, 2003, 10:30 pm

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

that is the best attitide b/c they have never really gave anyone any trouble

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