On Nolimits 2, you can create Storage Sheds, accurate Scenery to scale to the real world, and scripting. Which means you can script in ambient sounds like the lift hill audio from The beast, or have the 'all clear' for the Station! I plan on going all out on that, and even including the Lift Hill Audio, if I can recreate it, or have people chip in, and send in the Audio if they have it!
With that all said, It's onto the recreation! I just began to start working on it today, with just the beginning section of The Beast, The very start of the FBR (Final Break Run) up to the crescent of the Lift Hill, Although it's just a flat image, with a flat track for detail work first, I will get everything correct by Memory, other people helping out, and the park as well (If they want too)
I'm using Google Sketch-up to get accurate images of the sized section of track. I already know about the Beast having 3 cars, with 6 trains per, and is a 3 row car! All of that is already set! Plus, on Nolimits 2, you can see an re-size the track sections according to the trains so it fits!
Here is one image of the Ride, taken today (1-21-14) From the editor it's self

Of course, with Google as it is, I can't get FULL on accuracy from the images since they're satellite images, that are a bit offset from the real version, (as you can tell from the lift hill)
Reviews are welcomed, and I hope to get some support on this. Support is what keeps me going for sure! Get's me inspired to continue this!