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Post October 21st, 2004, 8:20 pm

Posts: 1536
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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

its too confusing, and all the objects lok funny.

i wish they could be animatronic

Post October 22nd, 2004, 1:51 am

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Location: Boston, Massechusetts, USA
Animatronic? or animated? NoLimits does not support imported 3DS keyframe animation, otherwise they will be.

As the ParkPack creator, and former staff at CS, I can tell you that the "rules" about not retransmitting the objects, or modifying them were not intended to exclude use on coasters that were featured on other sites, such as here.

The ONLY reason the rule was implimented was to protect the integrity of the objects, and to ensure that people downloading tracks that contained the objects, that the objects would appear as the track creator intended.

Imagine this. You make a track, put lots of hard work into it. The track weaves it's way around a park setting with lots of close calls and think that the whole ride kicks butt.

Well, member JoeSnuffy at coasterfansitex made a track, but he modified a few of the objects. Some became bigger, some became smaller, some changed color, name. Well, he takes his modified objects and zips them all up and creates his extras download for his coaster.

So over at coasterfansiteZ, JaneSnuffy downloads your coaster, but she has also downloaded JoeSnuffy's coaster before, and his modified objects have replaced her original object files, so when she rides your track, the coaster goes right smack through one object, and your near misses are now far misses.

Not cool.

If you have the know how and ability to modify 3DS objects, then you have no need for the parkpack objects. They were intended for those who couldn't. You do not have to be a member over at CS to download the pack, nor is using the objects here forbidden in any way. All that was was asked was that you do not modify and retransmit the objects.

Now here is the kicker. When the Pack was first released, one of the administrators here got in touch with me about the rule(s) and they were explained as was the reasoning. Amazing that THAT information failed to appear anywhere on this site. Nor when this topic was started, was that information relayed and much of this topic could have been avoided. In lieu of that, if you had any problems, issues or concerns with the ParkPack EULA, you could have emailed myself, or guestrelations over at CS and sought clarification or justification. No one did that either.

I am moved on from CS and have joined the crew at Wounded-Heart. I like the fact that I can now be an active member at all the coaster simulation fan sites, and look forward to being around here. But when you wrongfully trash ANY site without first getting your facts straight... well, it is disappointing. WWS and CS are both good sites, and they each have their own appeal. If you are happy here, then be thankful that you have a place where you feel you belong. Thanks WWS himslef by contributing to the site in a positive manner and make everyone else's stay here better and more enjoyable.

Post October 22nd, 2004, 8:56 pm

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Location: Arnold, USA
hey, no problem paco, its cool :)

i hate arguing with people anyways, but once one starts, i dont stop lol

glad to see everyone is on good terms haha

Post October 22nd, 2004, 9:03 pm

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Just a thought for those of us here who are not members of CS, could WWS possibly have a mirror to the CS park pack download so all can truly enjoy this great addition to NL?
Just wanted to say thanks to Torch and WWS, as you both do a lot for the coaster community and have handled this extremely well IMO.

Post October 22nd, 2004, 10:19 pm

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you dont need to be a member at to download it.

Post October 22nd, 2004, 11:08 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by pacoasterrider

only thing good with coastersims is there stapeling sucks shirt

i hear yeah [lol]
-edit- and now that I have finished reading I am completely confused about what just went on here. But I'll state my opinion. Coastersims is way to strict on there rules, and since they get major endorsements from Ole, they should really consider lowering the age limit down to 14 at least, 15 is way steep, and they should be a little less strict on the multiple accounts, if some one makes more than 2, or a more than 1 in a certain time frame, then they should be concerned, but my main problem is they get to much endorsement from the NL team, and a lot of people get shut down from that opportunity. Thats one reason why I like weeweeslap, plus, freedom of speech is more accepted here, you don't get banned for saying some thing that's not very nice, you get bashed for it, punished, but not banned. I dunno though, maybe one day and will one day solve there differences, but who knows.

And about the park pack, I think should allow other people to use it with other sites, I mean why not get the full use out of it and know that they made it worth while, and know that they made other people other than just smile. To me, I'd rather make a larger amount of people happy other than a small community, (not really small, but compared to the ammount of people he don't use coastersims, small) But anyways, they should look at making a larger amount of people smile, instead of just the 15+ community members.

Post October 23rd, 2004, 1:10 am

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Location: Boston, Massechusetts, USA
Originally posted by thecool326

And about the park pack, I think should allow other people to use it with other sites

Do you read, what part of my explination did you not understand? It is allowed, the only thing that is not allowed is the modification and retransmission, and the reason for that is to maintain the integrity of the objects.

Post October 23rd, 2004, 1:19 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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sorry, your message was to long, and with my short attention span, stopped reading, but then I realized you were an admin and/or mod at and quickly found out that you knew what you were talking about. Sorry for being stupid.[sillyme]

Post October 23rd, 2004, 1:55 am

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Location: Boston, Massechusetts, USA
Once again, you fail to read. I am a FORMER staff member. I have resigned and as my title correctly states here, moved on to join the Wounded Heart Team.

I only offered the explination of CS's rule since I was the one who created the parkpack in the first place.

Post October 23rd, 2004, 3:38 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ no, I read you. But, you being past/present mod has no relevance to what I stated, All I was statingis that you were at one point, a mod, and the point is you know what your talking about. [;)]

Post October 23rd, 2004, 10:48 pm

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Location: NJ, USA

OK question; if I were to convert the files to the format UR can use. And make it a theme... BUT clearly state that the original files are from CS and include a download link to the orignals. Would that be alright?

Post October 23rd, 2004, 11:34 pm

Posts: 66
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Location: Boston, Massechusetts, USA
You would have to email them and discuss it with the Admins there.


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