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Nolimits trackfile authoring?

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post July 7th, 2009, 10:55 pm

Posts: 155
Points on hand: 1,209.00 Points
Location: Toledo, OH, USA
Hey, I've got a question for you tool authors out there. I've been working in Elementary for a while now, and for the most part it's been pretty good. Unfortunately, I've recently hit a few limits in how it operates (mostly in the finite number of divisions and poor input ability). Right now I've got an almost-complete FVD style program built, but I'd like to have it be a part of a bigger picture. To achieve this, I'd like to have a proper computational package to work with, and as an engineering student Matlab is the preeminent choice. Unfortunately, I have no experience in authoring or editing Nolimits elements or trackfiles (and I'm in the wrong side of engineering to figure it out). Anyway, does anyone know of (or would anyone be willing to create) a small guide on creating or editing nolimits track or element files outside of NoLimits itself? It certainly doesn't need to be Matlab-specific, I just need some way to use an outside program to make a track or element. Thanks for any help.

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