Here is the first part, the lift. The ride climbs a cliff to the top (Note terraforming isn't done yet, won't be until ride is complete)

After the lift, you drop down and do a mid-height turn with view of the Fenrir river

You come back towards the rest of the ride and drop down the same cliff you climbed earlier, barreling towards the main path and under it's bridge.

I needed to do a low fly over the path, I've always loved it on Air.

Yay for unique drops and elements

I've got two flatspins that work pretty well with eachother. The first flys over the path and the next comes out from under it.

This is the bulk of the layout. I love the path interaction and what I have planned to make it nice.

Hey look! There's another ride just over the hill!

The goals of the ride were to stay below the treeline and to include a decently paced layout. I feel I was successful

If you guys have suggestions or comments please post something, it's always appreciated and I love getting feedback