We are now accepting donations of any high quality pictures of roller coasters, theme parks, rides..etc that you may have to be featured as downloadable desktop backgrounds. We ask that you only submit pictures that were taken by you. Please do not submit any pictures that do not belong to yourself.
Full credit will be given for any pictures that are submitted.
A WWS/CC logo will be placed on each background as well.
If you have any pictures you would like to donate, you can send them to this email address, canadmos(at)gmail.com. If you are sending more than 5 pictures please put them into a zip or rar file to make downloading them easier.
Also note, not every picture that gets submitted will be used. So please do not take offense to that, we do need to have a limit and some variety.
If you have any questions or comments on this, feel free to ask/state them below.
One more thing, if you took the time to read this, could you please post what your screen resolution is? This is just to help determine what image sizes will be most useful.